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3 Dimensional Chat / Ug, i cant get my modles to texture

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Posted: 9th Dec 2002 15:20
Hey, i cant get my 'custom' models to texture properly. They only seem to be able to show the base/first pixel color of the bitmap. Is it the models, or the bitmap (things like cones and spheres that you 'make' texture ok) AAAAAAARRRRGH! does anyone have this problem? I can give you a file if you want. Um, i made the models in Amapi3d 4.1 and saved out as .3ds, thus using the DBConv to make .x ... As is said, AAAAAARRRRGH
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 9th Dec 2002 15:26
i've not used that one yet... check in help for UV Mapping or Texture Mapping

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Posted: 10th Dec 2002 12:22
i have that problem, i can tecture cubes ok, however when i tried a strange shaped object it just came up as the first colour of the texture

Van B
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Posted: 10th Dec 2002 13:46
That's a UV mapping problem, or lack of UV mapping I should say . It's no real problem, you just gotta UV map it.

Get yourself Lithunwrap and follow the tutorial here:

The last free version of lithunwrap is there too.

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Posted: 11th Dec 2002 01:02
Thanks Van B, I've had this problem too, figured it had something to do with UV mapping but I didn't really know a lot about it..

Thanks again

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 11th Dec 2002 14:42
should always check the help for programs on howto use thier bulidin UV Map | Texture Editor, because Amapi is just the latest incarnation of 3D Canvas, Carrera is actually a pretty good CG tool.

Oftenly people ask here before even bothering with the help, and as Canvas had a pretty good help on howto use the texture editor it seems a tiny hard to think that amapi doesn't

Kinda why i think its amusing that everyone is crying out for a decent help file, cause not many people used the last one
Whatever program your using just checkout the help first, using keywords for what your working on ...
in this case UV, Mapping, Textures, Skinning etc.

I would resort to Mappers like LithUnwrap and UnwrapperEx only if there is no decent help. Even then there isn't really any good help files for these and i don't doubt you'll be back here wondering what to do in that

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Van B
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Posted: 11th Dec 2002 16:16
Problem is, there's no easy way to texture an object, it's difficult and always will be. I'm starting to consider chopping my models up before texturing them. Like trying to use mostly plain mapping with sections of model, then sticking the model back together.

Even specialist texturing art packages like Deep Paint still rely on the old UV mapping methods. When is someone gonna invent Oragami modelling, where you draw your texture, then fold it and cut it to make your model! - now that would be cool.

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Posted: 11th Dec 2002 16:37
Yeah,makes me think of those magazines in the 80's in which there were our favorite anime characters or other stuff and on each page you had to cut them off and Re-Wrap them to make origamic characters...That was cool...I think it's the ancestor of the 3dpuzzle.

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Posted: 16th Dec 2002 05:24
Can someone tell me like, where to start on this, cause im lost
I want to add a texture to my sniper rifle that I made (only the front of it, for first person only) but, it wont work in code, I just need a stupid texture added too. IS THAT TO MUCH TO ASK OF THESE FREAKIN 3D MODELING PROGS. Anyone here use Rhinocerus?

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Posted: 16th Dec 2002 05:33
Sounds like me and you are having the same prob

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Van B
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Posted: 16th Dec 2002 11:18
Yep Chronic, I use Rhino, but it's incredibly inept at UV mapping! - you're not alone in you disapointment with the texturing options. Follow my earlist post and check out the tutorial and get Lithunwrap. The easiest way to texture a Rhino model is:

Make your model in Rhino but apply your texture to the model then save as a .3DS file. This saves the hassle of adding the images later.

Load it into Lithunwrap and follow the tutorial I mentioned. For guns, most of the time you can UV map a lot of it with a simple side profile image, or even a photograph, plain mapping will cover most of the gun, you just need to worry about the flat sides etc. Guns are actually great for learning UV mapping on, just take your time and plan out what your doing with the texture map.

Good luck.


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