It's really simple, you just position the player object using the position and rotation commands.
position object playerID, x#, y#, z#
rotate object playerID, xAngle#, yAngle#, zAngle#
There are several ways to handle the camera, here's one.
set camera to follow x#, y#, z#, camAngle#, camDistance#, camHeight#, canSmooth#, camCollision
Of course, the devil is in the details. The actual values vary due to a number of factors. Let's say the origin (the 0,0,0 point) of the model is not at the feet but at the waist. You would have to add an offset to the y# value so that the waist is a meter (in game scale) or so above the ground.
Use the get ground height to find the actual height of the matrix above the x# and z# position.
History did not begin with PONG. -- Greg Costikyan
Game Beavers