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Work in Progress / BlastroidS BETA 3 - new and improved - 50 levels to play (DOWNLOAD)

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Posted: 20th May 2004 15:27 Edited at: 23rd May 2004 19:06
Hi Folks,

Here is the latest version of BlastroidS SE for you to play. It has many additions and improvements over the initial release. I'ts not finished yet, there are still a few things to add and change before the FINAL release, but it is playable and offers more of a progressive challenge this time around. Oh and there's 50 levels scripted so far.

I hope you all like it!!!

download it now from

Please post a small comment about the game, along with anything you would like to see added or removed from the game. Your system specs would also be appreciated as well as any scores over 108,025 and levels reached above 13.

I hope you have fun playing / testing this game, the final release will be even more fun with loads of extra stuff!! (2 weeks?)

regards, geecee3.

PS. the flickery spacebar thing lives, LOL
PPS. Please read the CONTROL.txt file for new key assignments.
PPPS. Sorry about the lack of instructions for what to kill!! i'm sure you can figure it out!!! LOL

Screenies as requested!

and another I hope!

Peter H
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Posted: 20th May 2004 18:26 Edited at: 20th May 2004 18:41
finally!!!!!....playing now

[edit] nice! but in the full version can you please set it up so that if you hold down the fire button, it keeps firing? .....

also when are my guns upgraded? or maybe i should say "is there a way to get my guns upgraded?"...either way my guns never fired faster i only got to level 7 on my first try though....(those floating "spike balls" are pesky )

Formerly known as "DarkWing Duck"
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Posted: 20th May 2004 20:17 Edited at: 20th May 2004 20:20

thanks for playing,

the guns get faster after level 10 I think then every 5 levels or so after that (the first 10 levels are pretty easy)

also you'll find another type of thingy if u make it to level 8 or higher. Try NOT to shoot them as they will do your score an injury. The gravity on that spikey thing get's stronger and stronger the further you get into the game. at it's peak there is a mighy powerfull spikey thing, and 15 big rocks and 20 of those things that appear after level 8, all playing with your brain!

There are also shield upgrades to help you get a bit further (every 30,000 poinst or so)

hope you decimate my score soon!!

regards, geecee3.

PS. at about level 20 - 25 the gun is pretty much a turbo cannon but shooting willy nilly will loose you more points than it's worth (due to the pesky pod things after level 7)

AUTOFIRE !!! your wish is......It's in there for the FINAL dude.

it's faster than shite off a hot shovel, honest.
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Posted: 20th May 2004 22:02
New high score : 123,640 - level 15 - woohoo

it's faster than shite off a hot shovel, honest.
Everwhat Studios
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Posted: 21st May 2004 02:34
Wow thats really cool! Love the effects and the presentation of the menu - great lil asteroids game, well done!

The forum user formerly known as Kangaroo2.
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Posted: 21st May 2004 16:09
@everwhat studios

thanks a lot. I had a lot of fun making it (mostly, LOL)
i've just added a scroller to the main page to make it look more old school. and more additions to the game are already under way.

I'll post the update later today (once I populate the greetz etc.)
glad you like it!

regards, geecee3.

Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 22nd May 2004 16:57
It's hard to believe that this is in the Work In Progress pages, and not the Program announcements. It's much better now than it was the first time I played it. The collision needs improving. I can pass right through some rocks. The rest is great. I would like autofire as well. I like the graphics! The final screen was good too, with all those boxes of information. No slowdown on my computer still, and I kept thinking that this was DBPro.

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Posted: 22nd May 2004 22:02
thanks dude,

classic really is a good language and highly under-rated. I have found that the keys to speed with classic are:

don't use matrix commands
don't use curve value functions
don't use higher math functions
don't use the AND OR commands
don't have too many alpha layers overlapping
don't use custom functions

also if your video card has VSYNC enabled, a SYNC RATE of zero
should be set (assuming a 60Hz display mode)

the autofire has been done, and the collisions are now a bit more ANAL. LOL.

latest version now has a few extras including a fullon retro word scroller and some other non game related tweaks, you can also cheat by pressing 't' during a level. this will give you SOOOPERMEGATURBOFIRE!

regards, geecee3.

by keeping your instructions simple and using deep nesting, the speed of classic is pretty damn good.

Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 22nd May 2004 22:04
Have you linked the new version?

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Posted: 22nd May 2004 22:22 Edited at: 23rd May 2004 01:37
about 10.30 pm tonight dude!

make that abour half 2 in the morning!!!! my m8 hogged the PC for a spell of 'COD FIGHTING'(call of duty). but now i am in control of my computer again and work can get back underway


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Posted: 23rd May 2004 08:31
latest version now uploaded (05:18 am GMT, mad or wot!)

out of the whole game, my favourite bit has to be the scroller
done in 17 lines of code (excluding the text strings and font). It's just an improved starfield simulation with some nifty texturing done on the wrap, really simple to code, but looks much better than static LAMER text!!! LOL.

regards, geecee3. (off to bed for a couple of hours now)

PS. I broke my own rules !! (I used higher math SIN command for the vertical / perspective shift in the scroller, well speed ain't important on a main screen!!)

read the stats on collisions in the readme file, it's quite mad!!

the next update should happen later today, about 10.00pm GMT.


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Posted: 23rd May 2004 13:06
me want screeny, me too lazy to d/l w/o screeny, me me me.

"eureka" - Archimedes
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Posted: 23rd May 2004 19:23 Edited at: 23rd May 2004 20:23

There was a bug!!!

sometimes when a level was completed, collisions were still being detected between the magroid and your ship. this caused the player to loose a shield when the magroid passed over the last visible position of the ship. not a good thing!!


regards geecee3.

PS. new baddie being added today, woohoo (mabey a couple, we'll see)

latest update posted @ 16:20 GMT

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Posted: 23rd May 2004 20:51
@ Phaelax

your site installs tracking cookies on whoever visits, I know it's not your fault, it's the fault of your LAMER, INTRUSIVE, SUBVERSIVE host.

Host your site with Jimmy using a account. Its much better than LAME ANGEL or GEO-LAMERS. they are exploiting us on a huge scale and their services suck much ass.

Myself, and a lot of other people will not visit sites with
ADVERTISING cookies or even worse TRACKING cookies. If I alter my settings to BLOCK cookies I can't even visit your site!!!

IT is an EVIL practice and the authors of such things should all be lined up against a wall and SHOT!!


regards, geecee3

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Posted: 24th May 2004 22:22
Hi geecee3,
what's this doing hidden away on here? I've been watching the thread on the Program Announcements board

Anyway worth the wait. Love all the new additions.......well apart from those damn spikey things (but that's only becasue they keep killing me). The graphics look even better than before with some great touches. I especially love the asteroid pieces flying out of the screen......oh and the old school wavy, scrolly message (thanks for the mention )

Unfortunately my PC struggles at around level 8 and by level 10 I'm flying through treacle. Are there any options to turn off the background or other cosmetic features?

Anyway classic gameplay, great graphics, lovely presentation.......great stuff

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Posted: 27th May 2004 17:03
hi fog, i'll build in some performance options.
mabey remove flares particle effects planets etc.
It seems to be the amount of alpha layers that slows everything down a bit.

PS. having MSG or Winamp running at the same time plays havoc with my frame rates, I wonder if any other users have found problem apps that interfere with DB.

cheerz for the comments fog, and i'll add some options as soon as i get the chance.

regards, geecee3.

i'll post the next update in the proggie announce forum, you'r the second person to have mentioned it!

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