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Work in Progress / elliots shooter

teh game wiz
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Posted: 21st May 2004 00:08 Edited at: 28th May 2004 20:25
hey all, i just decided to make a VERY early version of my shooter puplic. i was hopeing you could test it and find bugs, also any suggestions would be great.

finaly, could someone please come up with a name for it.

this is my first project. sorry i dont hav any screen shots (yet)



[edit]helps if i put a link *hits head on table* or

Dennuz666 v2
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Posted: 21st May 2004 00:51
What's with thos frickin' installers?!?! You don't need them, just put everything in a zip file. I don't like installers putting all kind of files all over my drives.

Beside that:
- VERY good controls, no need to change
- Maybe add a sync rate. I have a pretty fast pc and first was a little confused by the speed it ran
- Is that a matrix you use for the ground? Look into the use of BSP files. There are great editors available
- Models like fine. Did you create the AK by yourself?

Code Ninja
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Posted: 21st May 2004 02:16
Can we please have screenies. I'm one of those people who has to burn things to CD to transfer it to my computer, so I like to see screenshots before i burn it to a CD (my dad doesn't allow me to instal stuff to his computer either.)

Dragael Software
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teh game wiz
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Posted: 21st May 2004 19:59 Edited at: 28th May 2004 20:25
[/href]to Dennuz666 v2:

ok. ill make it into a zip. and i have the sync rate already set to 30. as for BSP i tried but the collision isnt good enough. the gun model came from one of the newsletters from tgc

to code ninja(and maybe others):
ill come back in a few mins and post a screenie. just need to upload it to a server

heres a quick screen
[edit2]new screen below[/edit2]
heres a zip version

finaly, does anyone know anywhere to get free models(since im not very good at making my own)

teh game wiz
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Posted: 22nd May 2004 01:43 Edited at: 28th May 2004 20:26
New update:
changed the sky so that the file size is smaller (around 8.5mb now) also started work on ctf.

new screen:

may need to refresh the page to see new screen(has the same file name as before, so comps load it from temp instead of the web)

uploading new files and screen now, should be avilable soon at for installer for zip

btw, im still looking for models and a (decent) name for the game.

teh game wiz
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Posted: 23rd May 2004 22:03
Is my game realy so bad that no one will test it?

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Posted: 23rd May 2004 23:33
the file is kinda big, thank God I've got a cable connection , I'll try it out right now.

Specs: AMD Athlon 1800, 256 DDRRam 266mhz, 80GB HD 7200rmp U133, Geforce 4 Ti4400 128mb
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Posted: 23rd May 2004 23:46
looks good . is it possible to die? I've tried but without succes , I think the gun rotates to much with the camera you should lower that a bit. the field looks kinda empty maybe a few models would be nice . a radar would be nice to as it's hard to determine where the little camera in the top right of your screen is. enemy lighting is done pritty good, looks like they're searching for you with their flashlight . good luck with it

Specs: AMD Athlon 1800, 256 DDRRam 266mhz, 80GB HD 7200rmp U133, Geforce 4 Ti4400 128mb
teh game wiz
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Posted: 24th May 2004 00:02 Edited at: 24th May 2004 00:03
thanks, it is possable to die(dont know why you didnt, ill check the code for problems) and ill make settings like gun rotation and frags to win settable by user. im not very good at models, so im looking around for help.

still hoping that someone could suggest a good name.

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Posted: 24th May 2004 02:48
Kill Stuff The Epic Killing Game (thats a good name)

teh game wiz
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Posted: 24th May 2004 19:39 Edited at: 24th May 2004 19:40
lol, not bad. might use that for now
after i finsihed CTF i will start a new thread called "kill stuff"

teh game wiz
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Posted: 24th May 2004 23:56 Edited at: 25th May 2004 00:24
heyy, im back with an update:

1) as cyberflame suggested, i've changed the name to Kill Stuff

2) improved collision detectsion with bullets (thanks to mussi for pointing that out)

3) half way done on CTF

new files are:

[edit] fixed multiplayer bug [/edit] installer version zip version

teh game wiz
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Posted: 26th May 2004 22:28 Edited at: 29th May 2004 02:02
AHHHHH!!! im having a serously bad problem when you play multiplayer, the screen starts to go mad and object disapear and reapear. can someone test it to see if its my grafics card or not. it goes wrong even before the second player joins.

[edit] the problem has now been destroyed and i can once again sleep at night [/edit]

teh game wiz
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Posted: 27th May 2004 00:31
heres some screens to show my problem.

single player:


both use the same exe and media

teh game wiz
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Posted: 28th May 2004 12:47
thanks for not helping anyone
anyway i manged to find the problem and it is now sorted. now the game works online.
uploading new version now, you can get it from the usual links(when i finish uploading, post when finsished)

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Posted: 28th May 2004 20:36
well made game. nice bullets, nice skyshere.
and nice gun animations
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Posted: 29th May 2004 01:51
works it online ??? but how, do you have a server or something or is it just ip to ip ?

cheers, looking forward to see more progress

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teh game wiz
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Posted: 29th May 2004 01:59
at the moment it is peer to peer, i havnt been able to test it over the internet(becuase no one knows what port is used)but it does work in our local network.

1) spent today messing around with the jump system and making the gravity more realistic.

once again get it from installer zip

teh game wiz
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Posted: 29th May 2004 22:53
i've finaly finsished a working CTF mode. i'm gonna compile it then start a new thread called "Kill Stuff The Epic Killing Game" like i said before. W0000000000000000000T [ic:sonic

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