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DarkBASIC Discussion / Game Programming kit 6.0

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Posted: 11th Dec 2002 21:40
Hi everyone,
I'm new to the board and I have looked over it quite a bit. Very nice.
But I do have a simple question I hope to have answered.
Ok, I have been pondering the purchase of Game programming kit 6.0 which comes with DarkBasic SE...My question is. Just what is SE and has anyone gotten or used this kit?
Any info on this would be great.
Thank you
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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 02:24
I got a Game Programming Kit as a gift a while ago, which came with the Secerets of the Sages book, the Learn in 21 days/24 hours books for VC++6 and DirectX, Genesis 1.1 SDK (which is actually a free download) and the Shadow Realm Animator. DB SE is might be Dark Basic Lite or might not, depending on the price. Just compare the price against the price on and also whatever literature included.

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 02:44
The price of DB and GPK 6.0 is the same. I have used 5.0 which is very different and much more streamlined than the old genesis SDK.
But the problem being is this. GPK6.0 does not specify on the box or the site exactly what Darkbasic SE means. Usually it would indicate Standard Edition. But I dont want to spend the $$ if it is simply the compiler of Darkbasic.
At this point I am torn between the two products. I know what kind of modeler and map editor GPK offers. But I know very little about DB.
IF no one has used GPK6.0 could I get some input on what type of Modeler and map editor DB has.

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 22:37
OK, I guess no one has used this software. I do know that GPK6.0 comes with a world and model editor of its own. And they are rather user freindly. I wanted to know how the addition of DB to this package makes a difference.
Oh well, Im still torn as to which one to buy. If I do get GPK6.0 would anybody be interested in hearing my input?

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 23:10
Sadly,in my copy,I didn't find a way to load my own texture in Gedit.


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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 23:21
Actarus, does this mean you have 6.0? or are you talking about a different version?

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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 23:29
lemme check it out...

Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving
And revolving at nine hundred miles an hour!
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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 23:33

I guess you were attracted by the tools but GPTK is in fact required to know C++...While DB is Basic driven therefore a 6 year old can understand it.

It all goes to what kind of programming you're able to achieve...if you can,definetely C++.

Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving
And revolving at nine hundred miles an hour!
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Posted: 12th Dec 2002 23:38
The last one I used was 5.0 and it was really simplified from the older versions. Now the latest is 6.0 and it even boasted a even simpler menu. Plus it come with Darkbasic SE.. whatever that is. But I gather you can write games in DB code compiler and still get the nice editors...

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Posted: 13th Dec 2002 23:58
Ok, for those of you that are interested in this little tidbit if info..Here it is..
DarkBasic Se is the same as the full version except that you cannot
distribute the final game or executable without upgrading to the full
version. The main changes are we dropped microsoft visual c compiler as it
was too hard for people to use. We dropped the directx as well and the
genesis 3d engine. We updated the book to game design secrets of the sages
4th edition.
After days of searching...this is from the company's mouth..
your welcome
Red Giant 2183
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Posted: 16th Dec 2002 06:32
if its the same kit I got a while back , save your $$ and get one of their game packages while the're discounted, you'll be a lot happier with it than using that other stuff-TRUST me i have them both.


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