Well to me it looks like you just run the AI part for one ship, i.e. looking up the players position and steers towards it. You should have this in a subroutine with a loop doing it for all the enemy ships.
playerx = get object positionx(player)
for x=0 to enemies
enemyx = get object positionx(x)
if enemyx<playerx then enemyx=enemyx+2
if enemyx>playerx then enemyx=enemyx-2
rem the position updating goes here but im not that much into 2d
rem just position the sprite of enemy x on its current Y value and
rem the newvly calculated X value. Or a more effiecent way, just
rem calculate the desired position and (as speed are going to effect
rem the Y position, and then draw it all in another sub.
next x
Heres a loop i wrote on the run, i havent tried it but ill think itll do the work. Thats how i think it should be done imho.
But you want collision detection as well? Hmm... sorry... cant do that in 2d
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