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Work in Progress / rpg paper style + possible graphic mudish thing. - The Resurrection

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Posted: 1st Jun 2004 01:22
It ant no team request good thing i like yah Rob

General idea is an enviroment where you can play rpg paper games online, with the possible expansion into muds at a later date. As i said ill put the demo on today. controls are mentioned below BE AWARE I SUCK AT CODING.
(note you may have to copy and paste this into explorer)
DO NOT RUN MORE THAN 2 CLIENTS, graphics are slowing it down now lol. Expect an ip version soon

The first client you run is the Gamesmaster. Others are run as players. Have a read of the locked thread for the gumf. Kept character positioning well simple so other players appear jerky atm.

(note you may have to copy and paste this into explorer)
(note you may have to copy and paste this into explorer)

known issues

some time the load lvl command dosent work. Need to see if this is timeout or bad coding. Didnt do it until i started adding lights.

Funny graphics prob with tiles and .x files, cant see them some times. Think this is due to sharing all the same files. Should work better in ip mode.

A few keys need remapping

Getting started guide.

run the first client, give it 10 secs then run the multirpg.exe again. you should get a player 2.

currently player 2 is in space lol, there will be a starting screen in the end. Player 2 is waiting to be told what map to load.

Press the 'y' key, in the gamemaster window then type
/lm lvl1

then <return> to send

that should load the same map ... should. ^^ may not work ^^

you can talk by pressing the 'y' enter some text, <return> to send

to move the character use the arrow keys

+ zoom out .. oops
- zoom in

, rotate
. rotate

to roll a dice press 'y' then type

/rl 20

this will roll a D20

few more things to do in the week, lol loads more if you want to play about the map is a picture just change the image called lvl1

A good start i think!
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Posted: 1st Jun 2004 05:10
Advertise this right and it could become very popular. People everywhere are using these types of things--even if it's just a chat room setting. Anyone remember the free days of DnDOnline?

Some features you might want to add:
Buttons for dice rolls
Map Editing
Image Display by DM
Rooms started by DMs

Good luck!

Crazy Donut Productions, Current Project: KillZone
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Posted: 1st Jun 2004 12:19
thanks mate for your comments. Maps are done via a paint package, but your right i need to get an editor working. Changed my mind about placing monsters in an editor, rather have it so the gm drops monsters in.

hmmm iam a bit unsure now on the graphics front. I could do tons of lovely 3d scenery, but did you need it in paper rpgs i think not. so options are.

1/ 3d models to replace tiles on map

2/ stick too 2d allowing GM to make his own

3/ eek a mixture of the 2

Need to hit GM tools next, not going to get hung up on graphics, lol as the demo truely shows

ideas so far.

1/ drop in encounters, the gm can then become those mobs and talk oooo

2/ buttons will be on the way but later on. On the rolling front I also want to include multiroll as well. Those wargame nutters love their multi 6 side rolls ^^

3/ tables create from text files, so you can do roll on a pre-made table. saves all that page flicking.

4/ now this is interesting, I want to get the net send message image thing working. If i can as all the maps are produced from images, models are generic but you change the paint work ... youll be able to net send lvls yey

5/ a major part of this is to allow players to paint their own figure, so i need to do a simpler form of 3d character. The 2D weapons worked well, though too low res and not double sided. Ill just have to flip a poly i guess :/
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Posted: 7th Jun 2004 12:24
Latest Pics

Ah well been at it again . Download the latest version, use the link at the top of the post. Things to take into account
Only load 4 windows max, atm players texture is fixed, so i could test uploading textures to the rest of the players.

some weird culling going on with the set camera follow, tiles vanish now and then. No idea on how to fix uhoh

Dont move the players until you’ve done /lm someone needs to block - values in the x and y ^^ sue mer

Whats new

Ive got movement and rotation down to 3 bytes so hopefully lag will be less hassle. No more jumping about!

OMG this is good, this gets all the players CUSTOM paint jobs and applies them to the models. This means people can skin there models the way they want them for all to see!! Lol well got me excited ^^

for the moment you dont type lvl1, now it loads the current map. The difference is though .... it sends the map via the network not from the hard drive yey.

nice backdrop for the text so you can actually see it now, wow!

Things to do
Map design or at least a good guide.
Need to seriously look at GM tools for monsters.
Roll Tables.
Player/GM activated sound ooooo ansd /emote
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 14:57
okay this weekend iam really going to polish this thing up to scratch. Ill post when a new version is up. Likely Monday because no broadband atm, swapping providers, driving me crazy .

New version will have the following.

GM place monsters
Map saving facility
3D walls

Currently chewing over uploading tiles to all the players, something for the future maybe.

Lmao I posted to a forum based on DnD, you know, get some people who play regularly. within hours the twatish mods were all over it. Why did you post to our forum, How dare you join simply to advertise your wares for sale. I wont lock it atm as you dont seem to be trying to make profit.

....... *~!$ off, God you make something for free that will enable people to play in a fun enviroment for nothing and you get blown away
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 20:08
looks sw33t!

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Posted: 21st Jun 2004 12:23
lol everything looks easy at the start lol ^^ should be able to post another version in the next couple of days.

New features will have.

Map Designer (very basic but it works )

From the map designer you are able to upload maps to people in seconds (uses net send image)

Ill try and put the simple player model in ... try

Things to do, that wont be included in next release

Lol no monster placement yet, Iam so ashamed but lol getting the map working took a while sorry

I really want to get it to work over the net, but that will have to wait until my Broadband is reactivated (swaping provider yey 20 working days, 6 days left i really really hope so! ) Lol then my poor brother will be nagged to keep a version running at all times mwahahaha

The graphics make me ashamed, this is good as i was trying to avoid applying eye candy. But I feel next week its eye candy time!!

Think it will be easy to implement walls but need everything else sorted first, then perhaps a fog of war?

Remodel player, monster figures. These will now be a counter with a 2D 2 sided poly that the player image is uploaded too. This will be the basic game set, allowing the gm and players to convert my enviroment to Scifi, superhero, even later on wargames. Also you could take a photo of your favorite figures, though I wont be giving you those as you can bet they are copyrighted.

Ill post you when the new version is uploaded, few days max.

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