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Work in Progress / Matrix Flying - I need your opinion

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Posted: 2nd Jun 2004 06:01 Edited at: 15th Jun 2004 00:58

after see matirx reloaded (which was preety crappy) i got a little obsessed with the parts where neos flying around the city so i thought i could make it into some sort of game. now what do you think i should do, just leave it as is where you fly around aimlessly, add a neo model for the camera to follow, make it into a screen saver, or make it in to some sort of actual game. also, i made the graphics in kind of a hurry so if anyone is good at texturing, i need some nice textures of office building walls at night if you just contribute one ill put you and your site in the credits.

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Posted: 2nd Jun 2004 12:59
you could make a mini-platformer, get a neo model, have him jump/fly from roof to roof in a certain time limit collecting various items.

Van B
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2004 14:13
You should make the construct, then have Morpheus give you tasks that you have to complete - then you get transported down on top of a skyscraper. A cutesy matrix game would be cool - maybe even avoiding lots of Smiths by flying away or jumping onto buildings (if more and more smiths appeared you could make it a survival style game).


The nature of Monkey was irrepressible!.
Phantom Warrior86
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2004 19:50
that would be pretty cool

"Old and weak think you I am, your mistake soon you will learn"
Chris K
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2004 19:59
Could be a 3D pacman game.
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2004 00:46
okay, im awful at modeling i just need a model of a guy dressed in all black with a cape and and animation of him walk and a sepperate one of his cape flapping.

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Posted: 14th Jun 2004 15:41
Um copyright

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Posted: 15th Jun 2004 00:52
i dont actually have to use any just has to look similer.

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