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Geek Culture / Sick sick sick sick sick.... but addictive

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Posted: 15th Dec 2002 14:23
I am truly sorry to hear about everybody's losses, I meant no harm, and I'm glad all is forgiven (In Rogues an my case at least ) and the party continues.... party party party :p

This has actually turned into a valid and interesting thread, and also brought people together! - See I'm not all that bad lol

Thanks Vegeta you have been a voice of reason! On question tho, you often mention living in the States, and the UK also. Am I to gather that you lived in London (where abouts?) and then Moved to the States (Again, where) ?

Just idle curiosity

* If the apocalypse comes, email me *
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 03:38
A fitting end to this now dead post, thanx RV. Didn't need anything else, just thought I should have the last word, as I never expected this post to raise so many emotions, good and bad. Lets just hope the world never gets so blaz/e about the whole sex/violence/predudice things that it become's uncontrolable.

I for one, never wanna see a minor shag a donkey on the BBC whilst I eat my tea. Just my 2 cents...

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 07:07
lmao... i'm pretty sure it'll be a cold day in hell when that happens

to answer your Q... used to live in Watford (well very close) and my mom has given me the property there as she now live actually in watford so i always have a free home to come to if everything goes completely pete tong
and right now i'm living in Irvine Cali, which is about 30mins up the highway from LA.
or is it down... might even be left... i have extremely poor sense of direction
i'm pretty sure its north up the coast - but don't quote me cause i get lost everytime i come back from a nite out

Shoulda seen the time i went to visit my step sister in Seattle ... all i had to do was drive up the coast - no turn off it went almost directly. Well I'm not gonna tell you where i ended up but i did wind up just taking a plane direct

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 13:51
Ahhh Watford, know it well LA is less familiar alltho I have partially travelled it. No offense to any1 but is it just me or is Hollywood scary, dirty, dangerous and quite dissillusionary? Bell-Air was nice tho, if a lil stuck up its own A-hole :p

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 18:22
no no... Hollywood is just a crap hole, and actually one of the cheapest areas in LA - like $500/month
(trust me for LA thats dirt cheap)

It get much better the closer you get to Inglewood and Longbeach or actual LA center itself (^_^)
However you get into Longbeach, kinda feels like the backend of London ... some nice suburbs in places and certainly a friendlier area of the city, which is just so large

How well exactly do ya know watford? cause i lived in one of the little villages around it
ya know its a pitty, Watford has been sliding downhill for the past year ... and the village i used to live right before i left - like a month there was this guy just beaten to death. I mean might not sound like "OMG" news when you live in a city like LA cause people get shot and killed daily ... but from around Watford, it was like "JESUS THAT HAPPENED WHERE??"
Alot more guns, alot more violent teens, and i feel alot safer that i made sure my brother knew howto defend himself before i left - i mean some really fudged up things i've heard recently about the area.

Even CCTV in town, lived there for what 18years hardly any reports of killings, stabbings, shooting and crap like that. I mean you'd hear about mates getting the crap beaten out of them, but nothing as serious. Kinda worry alot about my folks now

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 18:46
Only really went to Hollywood and it is kinda rank Glad to hear of nicer areas, but surely LBC has a strong gangsta culture? Never been there just goin on how many times it comes up in Hip-Hop :p

Yeah I lived in Gloucester and then moved out and its totally got that. Have olnly been to Watford within the last year or so, its always seemed kinda rough, but I can look after myslef so I don't mind. Wouldn't necessarily let the misses walk alone at nigh there tho

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 22:33
Yeah... Longbeach is kinda big... covers alot of ground, but it is one of the richest areas. So i dunno - i wouldn't know about "gangsta"'s there really cause it really is more one of the better parts of the city, i can tell ya for nowt i dont' mind walking around there at anytime of nite even with the higher crime in the south - cause it just feels alot safer than Hollywood.

man you shoulda moved to watford like a few years back, used to be alot better - i reckon the download has alot to do with the growing club scene thanks to Area, and that rank hole Desdiney or Kudos or whatever the hell its calling itself now. ho hum... should move into Kings or Abbots Langley - is much safer
Still not a place you'd really wanna walk about after dark anymore ... but if you're associated with myself or my Ex, people kinda are scared to come near you hehee

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!

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