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Geek Culture / Wow, mechwarrior4 Mercanaries

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Joined: 5th Sep 2002
Posted: 12th Dec 2002 15:02
Anyone who has played the other mercanaries games will know what there getting. well I love the mercanary series, with 4 missions in I have to say Iam enjoying it. 50 missions seems a bit low though, Iam completing them in 20 mins. Mindu I spend 1 hour tweaking all my mechs so mission time alone isnt just all you do. Theres a battle Arena section to, so when i get stuck on a mission ill stock some serious creds there instead. Tweaking is a lot of fun too, just need to get that turn torso sorted while in combat . Still love the good old sniper zoom, see my gauss gun loosers mwahahaha. Getting Amoured core 2 (new one) for xmas hurra, bah getting tight trying to make time for my game though lol did I mention Iam hooked on AOM too lol I need a 38 hour day.
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Joined: 19th Sep 2002
Location: Portugal
Posted: 12th Dec 2002 22:38
Mercs rocks!
Anyone interested in joining an online merc unit, Kell Hounds in the NBT4 league, let me know.
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Joined: 5th Sep 2002
Posted: 13th Dec 2002 12:48
omg jumped to the arena last night what fun . AI is just great. They are running around like nutters, really feels like humans are controlling the mechs. My favoraite tatic is to leg it out of the way then return shotting anyone thats doing to well, then switch to another group fighting and do the same. Iam left with an undamaged mech every time and all my ammo vs a really bashed up mech with hardly anything working. its a very weird experiance driving these mechs bit like a cross between a flight / tank sym.

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