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Work in Progress / <<Dark Basic Animation Langage>> Dbal.dll

AGK Developer
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Location: France
Posted: 4th Jun 2004 15:23 Edited at: 4th Jun 2004 15:24
DBal = Dark Basic Animation Langage
( title isn't displayed correctly )

It's a small DLL I currently building ( in parallel to X4 ).
It's sone sort of Amal system ( for those who know old Amos on Amiga Computer )
a small script langage to support sprites animations and control for movements ... It should be really useful for Shoot-Em-Up ... Rpg , ...

if you want more details, tell me.

Van B
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Posted: 4th Jun 2004 16:09
Cool, sounds like a good tool - DB can be a bit unwieldy when using a lot of different images, so anything that makes it simpler to create 2D games is a bonus.

One thing I'd suggest is maybe include a sprite editor too - just a simple one, but integrate it all into the sprite editor so it can be previewed and tested but allow little tweaks to the images themselves.


The nature of Monkey was irrepressible!.
the desktops
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Posted: 5th Jun 2004 22:29
wow,that might be a good idea. I hope that you are able to create it.

Futuristic Zoom
A Demo will be release Late May of 2004

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