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Work in Progress / 2D Program - Developer Diary

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Posted: 9th Jun 2004 07:11 Edited at: 9th Jun 2004 08:43
[June 8,2004]

This was kind of a mistake program that was a real fluke. Kind of funny I just saw someone post 17,000 lines of code on the TGC boards for their image parser. I said to myself that was stupid, so I built my own in about 100 lines of code that was more efficient. Turns out it was faster than the other fellow's, yet it wasn't fast enough for me. So I just kept building on it and building and here's what I have 2 days later.

This is basically just your average photo/image editor at the moment. Just messing around with some effects.

I won't bore you with what "features" I have right now or plan to have, yet since this is a 2D program, I'll showcase my work through screenshots.

Today, I feature Tidus from Final Fantasy.


Btw, Post links to any pictures you'd like to see edited from my program and as I add new features I'll use them to showcase my program in this thread.


Ok I lied, I want to bore you with the features.

These are the things you can do to the full image
-3 Modes of inverting objects color.
-rainbow distortion(Not sure what the 'official' name is for this style)
- Darken/Lighten

These are the editing tools
-A color palette of course
-Circle and Box spray's
-Solid circle, and box
-Line tool

*Deep Breath*

Some more misc. features
-My own custom file format
-Export BMP,my format
-Import bmp,jpg,my format

Features to come:
-Flood fill
-Ability to create larger than 1024x768 images
-As many differnt artistic effects as possible.
-More drawing tools.

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Posted: 9th Jun 2004 15:20
Certainly impressive. You sure this is DB?

Peter H
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Posted: 9th Jun 2004 19:30 Edited at: 9th Jun 2004 19:31

if you really need more pics you can use my sig

Formerly known as "DarkWing Duck"
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Posted: 9th Jun 2004 19:36 Edited at: 9th Jun 2004 19:36
Looks really cool Mike IanM & Spooky made a very optimised flood fill which maybe useful to this project. Looks very impressive so far

The forum user formerly known as Kangaroo2.
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Posted: 9th Jun 2004 20:46 Edited at: 9th Jun 2004 20:47

I kid you not. This project is being done in DBP. The images produced are directly from the program.

Magellan Studios:

Here's your image using one of my versions of invert in my program.
(Ignore the compile time)

Everwhat Studios:

Thanks. I'm really going to need that fill command soon. If you notice in the first pictures there's a couple of places that could be fixed up nicely.


I posted this effect at LLRGT earlier today. Just thought I'd share my 'rainbow' style technique. This technique(as well with many others) either hits it good, or hits it bad. In this case, I think I captured a more artistic side of this face.

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Peter H
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Posted: 9th Jun 2004 23:32
i like the psyco sig can you do it without the compile time?

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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 00:42
Ok, I've fixed it up for you. Copy and paste or you can just use the one from above(Although I may delete it eventually).

Anyone have any other images they'd like me to edit to show off some features?

Trust me, I've been programming some real cool things and you won't see them unless you give me some good stuff.

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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 02:37
Here's one of my personal favorite effects from my software. It'll have to be a .bmp cause .jpg is crap.

(Trust me, it's worth the wait.)

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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 02:41
Wow thats looking cool!

Oki u asked for images. I tried to resist. You asked for images again. Now I can't.

Gotta love the Kapowski lol Do your worst (or best )

The forum user formerly known as Kangaroo2.
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 02:50
Inverted colors.

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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 02:56 Edited at: 10th Jun 2004 03:00
Argh! She has no teeth! Lol thats v impressive Mike Not sure which colours are more garish, yours or the hideous mid 80s styling

[EDIT] As a side note, this gal is now 30, and sent me a signed picture last week I'm quite sad but it made me happy lmao

The forum user formerly known as Kangaroo2.
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 04:26
Heheh. That's without any brush's or editing.

I really love that effect though. It makes human's look ghostly.

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Manticore Night
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 06:23 Edited at: 10th Jun 2004 06:23
The Edited one looks scary.

ARRG, she's coming for me! The ugly clothes too!

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Vues3d on Kalimee
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 17:35
Great effect on Yuna & Tidus!!!

(Already played with FFX-2)????

Great idea to create an image program using DB... I wish you a "good luck"!!!!

Chris K
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 18:07
Here's a blur effect for you:

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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 21:44
Manticore Night:

Heheh, watch out!

Vues3D on Kalimee"


Chris Knott:

Thanks as well for the blur effect Chris. I have one already implemented, but will test yours out and see which is faster.

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Posted: 13th Aug 2004 16:48
Haaaaaaa, this post is back from the dead.

[Aug. 12 2004]

I restarted this project, and it's going very good. For now, I'm heavily relying on a dll I made which contains a menu, open file dialog, and message box pop-up.

The program is very secure as of now, and solid as a rock in just one days coding. This meaning, I've put in many, many security measures.

Examples: Can't exit without saving(or at least being asked), undo feature, most effects are backwards compatible(use a second time to go back to original form), multiple warning messages telling you what you did wrong, and with loading the wrong file type it won't exit on you .

Little things like that are making this a very solid program.

The reason development went so fast, is probebly because I already had all the image functions I needed, yet only really implemented an interface and security features.

The big feature for me to boast about though, is the 3D previewer. Since this product will be aimed at game developers, I don't see why we shouldn't be able to see our images on the fly in the 3D world.

Here's a quick screenshot of the two modes I have. (Textured object preview and textured matrix preview)

One(two actually) of the features I'm currently working on that I'm super excited about is the 3D heightmap preview mode. That way this will not only be a 2D software tool, but an excellent way to generate heightmaps. (This complements the in built effect of greyscaling images, and the blur effect. )

The second feature I'm excited about implementing, will be seamless texture generation. This will further complement the tool towards making landscapes.

Heck, I'm even considering an export to .x and my own custom format.

Finally, I'm also going to start working on the drawing tools. (pencil, cirlce, fill, etc.) These will probebly come last as they're not priority. Ideally, this will become a simple image effect editor(as in, you add to, not build from ground) program that'll give you a good idea of what your map will look like.

Whew, hope that's it.

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robo cat
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Posted: 13th Aug 2004 17:53
The texture in the 3D preview on the matrix is really nice.

Am i right in assuming you made it with your program?

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Posted: 13th Aug 2004 18:08
Nope, that particular texture wasn't made in my program. For now, that is just a test texture. However, before entering my program it was orange, and I applied a greyscale effect to it.

(Before screenshot)

My goal is to be able to generate seamless textures like that inside my programs. Tomorrow (or rather today), I'm going to start working on some of the draw functions, so I'll be able to create those kinds of textures.

Perhaps then I'll start a new thread to get rid of all the out-dated info.

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Posted: 14th Aug 2004 13:06
[August 13, 2004]

Spent a few more hours on the draw functions today.

12 different ways to draw. Just implemented the standard features today you'd see in any other 2D application.

-six edge figure
-an X
-diagnol line left
-diagnol line right
-filled circle
-hollow circle
-filled box
-hollow box
-airbrush using box
-air brush using circle

Currently I'm working on a dll to make my life easier for the GUI before implementing the functions into the main editor.

I'm also working on a plug-in system. I'm not sure as to build it using DBP or C++(Pascal maybe for RAD), but either will do the job. Basically, users will be able to define certain perameters to generate random images for use. I'm also considering adding a particles plug-in to my editor. (More on what this will be useful for later) The test will be, whether I can make this particle plug-in with my plug-in system that I'm designing. Plug-in system will come soon enough.

Sorry no screenshots this time, as I don't think they'd be quite exciting.

A book? I hate book. Book is stupid.
(Formerly known as Yellow)

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