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Work in Progress / New FPS idea

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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 01:58
A few friends and I have begun a game company-BlackWar Dragon Games. Unfortunatly we must save up and buy the software first. Anyway our first title will be an FPS named Sector Delta: Operation Evil. It is (hopefully) going to be a mixture of Resident Evil and Doom. Senerio:You are part of a one man rescue team sent in to investigate the loss of communication with an planet in the Delta sector. Once there you discover that an evil unknown to man has escaped and has destroyed the station, your ship, and now has taken over the planet. You must research what you can, find any survivors, and get off the planet before the evils that lurk there get you first.

Welcome to the dragon's lair-BlackWar Dragon Games
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 02:00
Any idea's u have to add just post them here

Welcome to the dragon's lair-BlackWar Dragon Games
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 02:02
prepare to get flamed my friend .

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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 02:06 Edited at: 10th Jun 2004 02:06
clown paint is right.Here's a tip never say that you are starting a team an then say that you are making a fps the first day you join the forums. Trsut me I know
dark coder
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 02:07
if you havent coded before then i suggest you start with a game like snake, no one on there 1st try can make a half decent fps with ideas such as yours

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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 02:09
especially when you havent actually got db or dbpro yet and obviously havent read the rules to the WIP forums... Not just that, explain to me.

Quote: "You are part of a one man rescue team "

How can you be part of a ONE man team? what are you his arm, his leg?

2.66ghz, 256mb ram, ATi radeon 9600xt 256mb graphics card, 120gb
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 02:09
Thanks for the information. Maybe my idea was kind of stupid.

Welcome to the dragon's lair-BlackWar Dragon Games
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 02:13
I don't know exactly what i meant by that. was late at night whan i was typing it on my computer. I just copied and pasted it from my work.

Welcome to the dragon's lair-BlackWar Dragon Games
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 02:17
it was 15 mins ago.. dont bulls***

2.66ghz, 256mb ram, ATi radeon 9600xt 256mb graphics card, 120gb
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 02:20
im not joking i have been writing this idea for a while. I just joined the forums today.

Welcome to the dragon's lair-BlackWar Dragon Games
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 02:21
sorry this isnt the best way to welcome you to the community but im just a bit annoyed with the things your saying its like none of it actually means anything.

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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 02:21
Hey don't listen to these dudes. They hang around putting people down because they could never do well on the first try. And dont be discouraged by their comments my first game is going great and Ive never programmed before. Good Luck
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 02:22 Edited at: 10th Jun 2004 02:24
Read the WIP forum rules next time though before you post, your thread doesnt really comply to any of them.

@Enclosed: I havent even coded my first game yet, ive been reading these forums for a long time though, but this guy hasnt even got db yet and hes posting on the WIP forums.

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The Lynx
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 02:26
@ Crafter-
You see you must understand, this is a "Work in Progress" board, not an "Idea" board. You should try and post your progress and (preferably) screenshots of your work. In order to post here without being flamed, you might want to develope your idea before telling everyone about it.

@ Clown paint-
Easy there, calm down, he is just new.
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 02:30
yea when i said sorry i realised i was being a bit harsh.. but still.. he hasnt got dbpro lol.

2.66ghz, 256mb ram, ATi radeon 9600xt 256mb graphics card, 120gb
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 03:13
yeah clown paint is right do you know how i can take this forum off?

Welcome to the dragon's lair-BlackWar Dragon Games
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 03:54
youll have to wait for one of the mods to do it, sorry for the flame but it had to be done..

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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 03:56
Quote: ""Maybe my idea was kind of stupid.""

this might not be the right forum but just because you don't have dbpro "yet" doesn't mean you can't plan ahead. Although the story above was pretty vague if your really serious about making this game then you can turn it into a detailed game design document while your waiting to purchase the software. When the software comes you can learn the tools of the trade and "then" start this project when your feeling confident.

Manticore Night
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 04:09 Edited at: 10th Jun 2004 04:11
Quote: "first game is going great and Ive never programmed before"
You havn't hit you first wall.
Quote: "company-"
Do you have a profit of any kind?<sarcasm>

It's amazing how much TV has raised us. (Bart Simpson)
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 04:49
We haven't of course made a profit yet and we won't make one in the near future but we hope withen the nxt two years to.

Welcome to the dragon's lair-BlackWar Dragon Games
Manticore Night
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 06:25
How old are you, if your under 18 It'll be REAL hard to get a profit, trust me, I've tried. Read the stickys, are you a REAL company.

It's amazing how much TV has raised us. (Bart Simpson)
Peter H
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Posted: 10th Jun 2004 17:46
you aren't a real company unless you are a registered company which costs money$$$$$

so cut the lame fake company stuff....

i can understand that you want to make a game and you saw DarkBasic and thought "wow that looks like i could make a really cool game in it!"...i thought this to.

and you are right! you can make really cool games in DB...

but not the day(or month or year for that matter ) after you get it, you have to gain experiance by making smaller games, then gradually make larger games until you have enough experiance to make the awesome game that you've been wanting to make(of course by this time you have everything all planned out )

sorry for the long rant

Formerly known as "DarkWing Duck"
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Posted: 14th Jun 2004 02:39
If you wish to develop games, then DBPro is a good place to start, but remember that a good programming software product is just the start, you will have to get a modaling and map making app and a painting program, texture program, so you will have to start researching which products will suit your needs.
Working in a team has its advantages and pitfalls, first off having multiple ideas and input will help to keep the project fresh and alive, however some might get upset when ideas are rejected by other team members, discuss this before you start, elect a project leader and try not to argue.
Lastly set up your studio with all the things you may need like printer, scanner, digi cam and of course your main computer (if you and your team are using multiple computers).

There are some very good free products available on the internet, a lot of them are listed in this forum and remember to crawl before you try to run.

Good luck
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Posted: 24th Jun 2004 03:33
I bet everyone has had the thought of starting a company when they see this site and all the software TGC has to offer. lol
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Posted: 24th Jun 2004 04:38 Edited at: 24th Jun 2004 04:40
It's painful, when I think about it, how long it's taken me to get to this stage of being able to finally develop a game I know I can finish, and as complex as I wanted it to be.

-I bought dbclassic in 2000.
-Before that I had a bunch of years of programming in other languages.
-Sinse then I've had to learn a hundred different ways to optimise code, models, 3D etc. to squeeze as much juice as possible out of db.
-I've learnt to work around bugs.
-I've had to learn how to texture and generate textures, I've learnt how to model, how to animate and how to UV map.
-I've had to learn how to deal with increasingly large projects, and maintain structure, optimise, organise, structure and repeat.
-I've had to learn to plan to save myself time and heart ache. Planning everything in advance, down to which textures I'll need where, sort of detail.
-I've had to learn to test the engine before I dedicate work to the game. Just make sure the hardware and language can handle what I want to do, before I make 15 models and write 1000 lines of code.
-I've had to expand on complex Geometry, Calculus and Trigonometry maths knowledge in my own time, so I can figure out how to do the physics I've wanted to do.
-I've had to learn patience, to stick with a project, and I'm still struggling with this one. You need to take the rough with the smooth, as when you're doing everything yourself, a lot of it is boring.
And there's loads more ...

Sorry, this isn't meant to turn into a rant about myself. I'm just trying to say, now I'm finally making a game I can see myself finishing that I know will be good, solid, and quite professional, I can look back on what I've had to do to get there. I think about what it'd be like if I was just starting out and had never coded before, and it is absolutely rediculous how much you have to learn, if you want to do everything yourself. Learning all of what I've mentioned above, on your own, with very little help from other people, except for a few forum posts here and there is monsterous, and now I see why it's taken me so long (4 years - luckily I knew music/sound engineering before hand).

So I look at people who are just starting out from scratch, and I see totally lost causes, with a huge monster M3 of a road in front of them, if they want to be a one man game dev team, capable of making something decent.

Gahh, I'm really not trying to blow my own trumpet here. There are plenty of people here who have better skills than I, but no doubt they've worked just as hard for just as long, if not longer, and they'll probably think the same as me when they look at a newbie.

It just takes so much learning and work to make something good. Don't want to overuse the word, but it is monsterous. So good luck to all the one man developers out there. As Blackadder would say, "Your journey will be strewn with cow pats from the devils own satanic heard".

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Posted: 24th Jun 2004 05:24
Beautiful post, Fallout.
A lesson to be learned by all.

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Posted: 24th Jun 2004 05:55 Edited at: 24th Jun 2004 05:56
yes, youve captured the long climb niceley Fallout but it should also be noted that if your dedicated and stick too it, the reward of standing back and looking at what youve created when you hit compile that last time can definately be an exhilarating experience

... or not lol

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Posted: 24th Jun 2004 13:54
Hah! Thanks guys. That was a late night rant. Venting a bit of frustration, also feeling a bit good about finally being able to do exactly what I want (yes Jetmech, it is rewarding when you get there). I'm glad I'm far enough through the cow pat strewn journey to be able to avoid most of the failures.

Rob K
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Posted: 24th Jun 2004 20:29
Hi Crafter,

I hope it goes well, but I'm afraid that in order for posts to be made in the WIP forum, you must have something to show for your project. The following are acceptable:

- Screenshots
- Betas
- Source Code
- Media from the game (although this really belongs in the media forums)

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Posted: 24th Jun 2004 20:49
media forums?

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Posted: 25th Jun 2004 00:51 Edited at: 25th Jun 2004 00:51
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