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Geek Culture / Does Anyone Care Any More

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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 01:20
Hey all,
This topics been raised quite a lot recentley but no one seems to want to do anything about it but I'm going to say this anyway in the vain hope that someone will read it and re-ply then someone else will, then someone else, and that will continue until someone actually does something.

When I first joined this forum back in Ocotober it was great. I could come and ask a question, get an answer, go away and do some more coding and generally have fun. Now all I see are post after post after post that is nothing but a really short question ,usually one line that goes something like "How Do I make the cube move" followed by about 20 posts from big headed know it alls who seem to think that instead of telling th person whats wrong with their post they can just tell them how stupid they are and that they should go somewhere else. If the first person to see the post actually told the poster that there question wasn't set out very well then they'd either say okay I'll re-post it or just edit the original. There are the few odd occasions (not mentioning any names) where people do just spam the boards and positively encourage people to start flaming and if you ask me these people should be kickd from the forum so quickly thier fingers don't touch the keyboard. It's okay saying don't do it again, we'll let you off this time but then more people just see how slack the mods are being and decide that that's the norm.

As for the team requests thats probably best left well, well alone. There was talk of changing the format so instead of asking people to join you rteam, people posted a description of their skills and people contacted them personally if they were interested, or something along thos lines. It seems the only boards that are till relativelypleasebt to look at are the 3d chat, 2d chat and code snippets, all no doubt because you need some level of skill to post here, or know what your talking about when you do post.

Personally I don't know what's happened to the forums, is it too many noobs joining, or people being to eager to blame the noobs for the forums problems, is ti the mods not being strict enough, or too many people causing so many "offences" that the mods are pushed to their limits seeing as they have lives as well.

I don't know but I hope someoone reads this, with their own idea and posts back with CONSTRUCTIVE comments. So that someone sits up and takes notice. Thanks for reading yet another of my anti-forum posts.

Newbie Brogo
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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 01:29
Yes, I undertsand you, this is one reason I don't tread in Newcomers or Team Requests very often. And if I ever do, I post "constructive" things. I have seen inclines in members flaming so-called "noobs"
I too used to be able to get a question answered easily with no flame..

Just thought I'd be the first to post in this message....

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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 01:31
I'm not a real big fan of forum thought police. Most folks just need to grow up and deal with it. Unfortunately, that takes time and patience. You can't expect everyone to know all the forum culture rules. Most newbs learn what burns by sticking their fingers into the pot. They (usually) get better.

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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 01:50
Perhaps you could provide some examples of what is bad as I don't get what the problem is or how it is getting worse.
If the forum really was deteriating as fast as these posts allways claim then it would have become useless long ago.

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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 02:05
The best way to deal with it is probably to totally ignore flame wars and pointless posts. By responding, the offender is encouraged and rewarded for their behaviour.

If enough people ignored them, I would imagine it would die down. You can respond positively to posts without mentioning the flamers who have also responded.

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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 02:09
I think it's a matter of who replies to a post first and what kind of person you encounter. A great example can be found here.

If you reply constructively the user can really open up. Whereas in other posts people say "Stfu newb, go read the stickies. " or "You're kidding right?". We've all done it, and it gets us nowhere. Most newcomers don't even know what stickies are.

As far as with me, I've become better at ignoring posts and saving myself some time.

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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 02:15
Well, in the 5 or so years I've been using DB, I've seen this problem come and go. Everybody always says things used to be better, but really things have never been that great, nor are they too bad now.

People get flamed, yeah, but as far as I remember its always been like that. Now I haven't been active on these particular DB boards for the last year or so, and maybe there was some kind of miracle and everyone was nice while I was away, but I doubt it.

If noobs being flamed for asking questions incorrectly bothers you, have you tried messaging the admins with a direct link? They have lives and can't spend all day looking through every post so they are bound to miss some things.

Personaly I've never had anyone flame me for asking a stupid question. Granted, I've been around for quite a while but the few questions I have asked as of late have been answered by friendly people who were very helpfull.

Basicaly what I'm saying is its not that bad. If you don't want to see flame threads, don't read them. If a noob asks a question and 20 people flame him but you want to help, just igonore the other posts and reply to help him. If you are getting flamed for asking questions, try asking them in a nicer manner and make sure you have exhausted your other options before automaticaly running here for someone to spoon feed you code. (when I say you I am speaking to people in general, no one in particular in this thread)

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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 03:18 Edited at: 11th Jun 2004 03:19
we should also consider the "oldbie-burn-out" factor. Now I have had my share of posting stupid crap, getting into and starting flame wars, and the like - but I also have helped and try to help where I can, but what I refer to is those of us who have been around a while seeing, and answering, the same questions over and over. It can get maddening after a while, and I notice myself skipping over threads and not saying anything, even in instances where I could have helped, only because it gets tiring sometimes. Its a shame, but I see it happening me.

Maybe tgc should better implement the search features here, to make them more robust for people to be able to find relevant info on the things they search for.

Just a thought

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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 03:34
I agree a search feature could definitely help things out. The one currently on here is pretty useless.

As for oldbie burn out, yeah I think I certainly helped people a lot more in my first 2 years of DB. I do try to make myself go on to the newcomers forum every now and then though.

John H
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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 04:44
Too much 'dude' and 'bro' and 'man' in that

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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 07:07
How about this. It's just a forum.. on the internet and a public one at that. If you're going to take it so seriously you need to prioritize your life.

These kids don't want help, they want favors. I'd say I was one of few who decided to use DarkBasic because it WASN'T just a "game creator" and that I would actually have to use some real brain power and programming skills to create anything. Some guys just don't realize that, so I feel it's a waste of my time to help them if they don't have a grasp of logic.

Now, I've used the forum a few times for help and have had good response and real help, because I was descriptive in my asking and they could tell I had actually tried to work it out on my own beforehand. When I find posts like that, I try to help, because I know if I tell them how to do it, they won't need to come back, because they have a brain.

A brain.. a brain.. a brain.. a brina.. a biran.... barani..

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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 10:28
I help out when i can, you cant just lump your interpretations into one crowd. if you didnt get the help you wanted rephrase the question. no one is obligated to spend their time helping you, it happens because they share your passion to create and explore. the rest is diatribe and whingin.

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 10:59
code2kill ... just check back through the forum, i'm sure the further back in time you go you'll notice something.
although it is becomming more apparent now to more people than just myself.

It isn't so much oldie burn-out, although I agree that this can be a factor sometimes, most oldies no longer try to help those posts they've seen so many times before now.
At this point really the people who dominate this forum are just jerks.

I mean just look at how all of the guys who joined before 2003 talk and interact with each other; on the whole they're definately alot more friendly than those who joined after. And this is where the main attitude to newbies has come from i'm afriad.
If you look back to post against before 2003 (just before christmas even, 1-2nd weeks of December 2002); just notice how the newbies are treated and how there hadn't been a single flamewar.

(no seriously there hadn't, even with el diablo of RGT 'me')

the whole setup just went to show that certain members of the darkbasic community SHOULD be kept apart, and I respect this which is why even though I have an account of LLRGT; my posts are very very few and far between.
some people want a forum free of me, and i want a forum free of them; we can interact for short amounts of time friendly but prolonged exposure usually ends up causing problems.

unfortunately there are a number of users who just don't understand the whole 'balance of things', and when newbies see them attacking someone who seems to be a more prodominant member of the community; they start to believe that this is just how this forum works.
the same goes for the older users abusing the newbies; they just believe that because they see other users doing it, that it's fine for them. Status quo as you will (no, not the band)

Monkey see, monkey do i'm afraid. Until these dominant older users start to behave themselves, this problem is only going to get worse as the newbies doing it become older users.

but i agree with Indi, it is disheartening to see some newbie demanding you help them than requesting it. after all for most of us this is just a hobby not our job.

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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 11:10
As the forums will change at the end of the month, we'll see what happens after that.

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Van B
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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 15:42
The thing is it's easy to plonk the forum on and get help - rather than struggle with test code or the manual. Unfortunately struggling with test code and manuals is how you learn - why should experienced DB'ers waste time teaching people who really can't be bothered learning properly?

The amount of time I've wasted helping newbies without so much as a thank you - really newbs should be harassing the online help - NOT US!!!, maybe one day they'll be in our boat and realise how tricky it can be to help someone out when all you have is a forum, or a fraction of a problem description, or they test your idea then don't persue it because it did'nt work first time.

Newbies reading this:
Post as much detail as you can about the problem, not your game idea.
Include a lot of info about what you want to achieve with the code (there's often an easier way).
Try out any suggestions as fully as you can, and if they work remember to say thank you.

If possible get an oldbie to help you in more detail, usually all it takes is a polite request - and your practically guaranteed to get your problem sorted quickly and easily, and show your appreciation with some screenshots of the results - it's always nice to be able to see problems solved.


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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 19:51 Edited at: 11th Jun 2004 19:51
Quote: "I think it's a matter of who replies to a post first and what kind of person you encounter. A great example can be found here."

My god geecee was an idiot there (no offence ) - but several thousand lines for a game?

I'd love to see how many people can pull out several thousand lines to show us - not that many. Does that mean everybody else doesn't know how to make a game?

I steer clear of the team requests forum - it's largely pointless (a prize to somebody who can post to something that's actually been completed after being started on there).

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Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 20:24
Quote: "the average variable setup for a game engine usually contains several hundred lines of variable declerations and dimension arrays

Crikey! What have you been coding?

David T
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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 20:55
Not that that's for sure

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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 21:11
Quote: "I'd love to see how many people can pull out several thousand lines to show us - not that many. Does that mean everybody else doesn't know how to make a game?"

Eh I have about 100,000 lines of code distributed throughout 6 different progs (well, 3 are finished). If anyone wants a read, I'll be happy to post it up

Andy Igoe
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Posted: 11th Jun 2004 23:38
Oldie burn out happened to me too so I stopped posting, now I get the same questions over MSN and eMail instead...


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Posted: 12th Jun 2004 02:05
Well I've read what you said, gone to the team requests, picked out a few posts that had no replies or just flames and told the original posted how they could improve their post, without just giving them a link to the stickys. I'm going to go to bed a happy coder tonight.

Hamish McHaggis
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Posted: 12th Jun 2004 03:28
Some newbies are treated unfairly, but some just plain deserve it. Don't think there isn't a point at which a poster can be considered insane (although this one did go a bit over the top)...

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Posted: 12th Jun 2004 03:44 Edited at: 12th Jun 2004 03:48
No, nothing beats "gimme da codez" boy. For those who have been around long enough, you know what I am talking about

"i dont need book! book is stupid. just gimme da codez!"

Manticore Night
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Posted: 12th Jun 2004 04:27
Well was never the model noob, and I programmed in VB and QB before DB, but when I started on this forum, I never lost a flamewar(and didn't have many agaist me either). So maybe the noobs should be more open to "new" ideas(non-mmrpg idea's), and if someone comes along and flames him for a completly valid question(for a noob) they shouldn't be afraid to flame them back. That wouldn't be too hard, and it worked for me.

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Posted: 12th Jun 2004 05:04
Yeah but the problem is that for the most part nobody cares who "wins" the flame wars. You may think you have proven your point by flaming them back, but everybody else just thinks both of you are jerks.

If someone gives you crap when you ask a question its best to either ignore them or just post something along the lines of "does anyone have any constructive comments?". I know I personaly would be a lot more likely to help someone who remained calm about things when someone gave them crap, and I'd give them a lot more respect too. In the end its just a forum, people take offense way too easily. Its not real life.

Manticore Night
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Posted: 12th Jun 2004 05:20
I AM a jerk though. AND YOU THINK I'M NOT CALM, I'LL SHOW YOU CALM A$$HOLE(that was a joke).

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Posted: 12th Jun 2004 05:25
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Posted: 12th Jun 2004 09:29
As a side note, my first DBP project without training wheels is easily over 3,000 lines of code with hundreds of lines for initializing the game state.

For those that care, it is a 3D chat room with virtual miniatures. I'd post a link to my gallery, by Yahoo has for some mysterious reason decided to delete my site and lock me out of it. I so wish I could reach though the internet and choke the living sh!t out of someone.

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Posted: 12th Jun 2004 19:48
:: sighs :: Manticore is a perfect example of a newbie that does deserve everything he gets ... but there are alot of others that are just flamed for no reason at all.

That is what this topic is about.
Fine if you wanna sit there and barrate some newbies because they're sitting there demanding you tell them how to achieve something; but if the newbie is just there searching for help saying something like : "I've just got DBP and I'd like to make Final Fantasy", alot of oldies will just flames them without giving any suggestions or anything.

Quite simply there are two courses of action,
a) give then a civil answer
b) click the 'top' or 'home' buttons in the thread

all you achieve by flaming is scaring off newbies, and those who aren't scared off are usually the jerks like Manticore. So what do you get a forum full of old jerks and a forum full of new jerks.
i'm sure ya'll are damn proud of yourselves for that

Jess T
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Posted: 12th Jun 2004 20:32
Sure am

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Posted: 12th Jun 2004 20:38
I certainly don't care anymore

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Posted: 12th Jun 2004 20:47
Quote: "but there are alot of others that are just flamed for no reason at all."

Here is a link to the newcomers forum, what you are describing doesn't resemble it at all. Do you ever read it?
Most of the posts average about 5 replies and there is only one locked thread on the first 5 pages and that is a misplaced team request. There are practically no flames at all and none where people are being flamed for no reason.

can i scream
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Posted: 12th Jun 2004 20:48 Edited at: 12th Jun 2004 20:49
Quote: "So what do you get a forum full of old jerks and a forum full of new jerks. i'm sure ya'll are damn proud of yourselves for that "

@ raven, as if you don't fall into one of the categories?


David T
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Posted: 12th Jun 2004 20:53
Quote: "Eh I have about 100,000 lines of code distributed throughout 6 different progs (well, 3 are finished). If anyone wants a read, I'll be happy to post it up "

I didn't say that not one person has a several thousand line prog - I only said that a few would, in response to that guy claioming that the only way to code a proper game was with thousands of lines.

In fact, I have 3 programs all several thousand lines.

Two strings walk into a bar. I'll have a pint says the first$%ASLDJ09920D"$"$D. Excuse my friend says the second, he isn't null terminated.
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Posted: 12th Jun 2004 21:53
Yeah, i have a program with 700 lines And that isn't the smallest, so there you silly people...

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 13th Jun 2004 00:38
you know the original comment was made about the length of programs quote because the guy actually said it took several thousand lines to initilise variables.

Quote: "Here is a link to the newcomers forum, what you are describing doesn't resemble it at all. Do you ever read it?
Most of the posts average about 5 replies and there is only one locked thread on the first 5 pages and that is a misplaced team request. There are practically no flames at all and none where people are being flamed for no reason."

This is what gets on my nerves; people don't bother to read what the topics about and instantly are like let's add some dig at someone and !poof! proof of exactly what i'm talking about in attitudes.

The topic is about newbies treated in general, not just those confined to the newbie zone
Or do you need the topic from newbies pulled up in every other area because outside of the newbie zone is a totally different story.
I don't go in the newbie zone; Just because I don't... doesn't mean simply because the lambs aren't stuck in thier pen that the tigers have a right to eat them up and spit them out without warning now does it?

Quote: "@ raven, as if you don't fall into one of the categories?

You get back exactly what you give to me Cattle... you wanna be treated and responded to better, with more curtosy then decide to extend that attitude towards me. Simple, eh?
Why exactly do you think to different people i appear nice and to others i seem like the biggest jerk in the world.

You'd think after 4years people would recognise when thier own behaviour towards someone is being mirrored back; but obviously not eh

Guhill The friendly one
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Posted: 13th Jun 2004 00:53
Code2Kill, go screw yourself. I'm a noob and I find these forums very helpful. You just want to find something to complain about because you have nothing to do on your spare time. Why do people always want to start conversations about complaints. Just accept society as it is.

Gloating Guhill
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Posted: 13th Jun 2004 01:16
Although I agree with the sentiments, the language is a little inflamatory. Please calm it down a little.

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Posted: 13th Jun 2004 01:17 Edited at: 13th Jun 2004 01:19
wow, that was a long distance "FU"

<turns up Alice In Chains even louder>

edit: posted at same time IanM did, didn't see warning...
takes back the "FU" statement as not to infract with killer language

Manticore Night
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Posted: 13th Jun 2004 01:36
Quote: "newbie"
LOL, I programmed long before I even knew about DB. I think you should differentiate more between noobs to the forum, and noobs to programming.

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Posted: 13th Jun 2004 02:00
Quote: "I'm a noob and I find these forums very helpful. You just want to find something to complain about because you have nothing to do on your spare time. Why do people always want to start conversations about complaints. Just accept society as it is."

I think thats how the majority of noobs who visit the forum feel, that doesn't stop people complaining about how noobs are treated while sitting back and doing nothing to help. I'm sure all the people who do take time to help like it when people who don't tell them they are doing a rubbish job and just flame noobs.

can i scream
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Posted: 13th Jun 2004 02:01
I'm a noob to Darkbasic Pro, and a super noob to forums, actually this is my first time on a forum in my life. Plz don't type lol because of the comment I just wrote .

Gloating Guhill
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Posted: 13th Jun 2004 02:05
For reals. But I'm not going to complain about it because I don't want to stoop down to code2kill's level. Complaining doesn't help. It just leads to more complaining. Peace out!

Gloating Guhill
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Posted: 13th Jun 2004 02:18
Gloating Guhill - try the EDIT button next to each of your posts, YOU NEWB! LOL J/K <------ jk means just kidding!

Guhill The friendly one
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Posted: 13th Jun 2004 02:27
Sweet. I'm a true noob. A couple hours ago I just learned what lol means. Now I know what jk means. Life is sweet. When you have a computer.

Gloating Guhill
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Posted: 13th Jun 2004 20:59
Gloating Guhill i really really don't like you. How can you say stoop down to code2kills level. If anyone was to stoop it would be him down to your level and he would have to take a long walk of a very high cliff. He is far far superior to you so i strongly suggest that you take that comment back. I talk to him regularly on msn and have done a fair bit of coding with him. He is genuinely a nice guy and i can see where hes coming from. On the other hand though, you have no credentials to your name. You havn't coded a single thing (which i have no problem with if you are still learning) but all you do is inncesantly spam our forums and annoy people. All you are is an annoying little brat that acts like he is 7. Go back to palying with your lego and stop trying to be kool because your not.

Anyway rant over!

As i have said before its high time you are banned!

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Posted: 13th Jun 2004 21:38
Would be impressive work to be banned in less than 48hrs

Guhill The friendly one
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Posted: 14th Jun 2004 00:14
OK, I apologize. All I was saying is that I despise compaining. Code2Kill probably is WAY more superior to me (I'm a newbie). Sorry 'bout that brutha. Oh yeah, Code Monkey Studios rocks.

Gloating Guhill
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Posted: 14th Jun 2004 00:26
Lol. Well seen as though you put it like that. just lay of posting crap for a while ok. Im sure your an ok guy to but you just need to have a bit more discipline when posting. Anyway have a good one!

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