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DarkBASIC Discussion / text under sprite help

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Joined: 8th Dec 2002
Posted: 14th Dec 2002 22:21
how can i print text, infront of everything, as ive got a sprit but the text goes behide it? what can i do so the text is shown in front? also is there anyway to make text scroll up the screen like at the beggingin of stawars films? please help
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Location: Ireland
Posted: 15th Dec 2002 00:33
One way to get the star wars effect would be too texture a 3d plain with your text, tilt it and move it away from the camera.

Text and 2d under sprites is anoying. I think it should be 3d, sprites, 2d lines, and text in that display order by default. There are ways around it though but I've not got any examples handy.
John H
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Posted: 15th Dec 2002 00:40
For text to be shown in front of a sprite, it must be made INTO a sprite

Heres how

To make the text scroll, I make the text a sprite then texture a plane. What I did in the next snippet was made a bmp in photoshop then texuted a plane with it in DB. Here is the code:

rem visual
hide mouse

rem plain for title
make object plain 1,80,80
load image "yourtext.bmp",1
texture object 1,1
xrotate object 1,10 : rem tilt this more for a "Star Wars Effect"
position camera 0,0,-40
for tmp=1 to 1950 : position object 1,x,y+tmp*.06,z
next y=0

Hope this helps ya!

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John H
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Posted: 15th Dec 2002 00:41
PS- if you want the text to be clear around it, you would want to get image from a black area with text, then SET SPRITE

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