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Newcomers DBPro Corner / Start the game in 1024*768

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Joined: 12th Dec 2002
Posted: 15th Dec 2002 13:07
How do i get the game to start in 1024*768 every time?

I sow the script in here somewhere but cant find it again.
It was something like "start 1024*768" or something..

Please help and quick..

David T
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Posted: 15th Dec 2002 13:35
In the IDe project mamager click "Settings" then in display there are a number of options to choose from.

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Posted: 15th Dec 2002 13:41
Never mind i found the code, But now i have a new problem. My simple Crosshair is fucking up it's moved over the the left side so it is not i the midtle..

What now..

The Crosshait code i use:

And i used this code the get it to start in 1024*768 and 32bit:

set display mode 1024,768,32

John H
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Posted: 15th Dec 2002 19:29
Hey hey hey hey!!! Watch it or youll get in trouble for language!

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Posted: 15th Dec 2002 23:10
If you want to move the crosshair, and set it in any position you like,you should use it as a sprite.

Whatever I did I didn't do it!

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