the movement over the ground would be constant unless you are factoring in wind resistance, in which case just slowly subtract from the vector. The height would be calculated according to the angle and power and use the newyvalue command to calculate this as one y value. This is then pulled back to the ground by adding the force of gravity (9.8m/s) to this addition height each second (divide by 60 for 60fps).
maybe something like this once you have the power and angle
(I haven't tried it but it should work)
rem ay# is vertical addition to height
rem only on x axis for movement for simplicity
rem angle# is the angle it is thrown at
rem power# is power
rem speed2# is x movement factoring in angle
ay# - newyvalue(0,angle#,power#)
speed2# = newxvalue(0,angle#,speed#)
ay# = ay# + (9.8 / 60)
y# = y# + ay#
x# = x# + speed2#
position object 1,x#,y#,0
I know everything! At least I don't know anything I don't know.