Just keep plugging away. Work on tutorials, mini projects, but especially start projects that challenge your current skillset, you'll be looking up things in the help files a lot, but you'll be learning. Then once you become familiar with DarkBasic you'll be proficient with most variants of BASIC after learning the way their syntax is organized. Even makes it easier to transition to C++ in some cases.
The main commands you want a good hold of just so you can get your code organized are FUNCTION/ENDFUNCTION and GOSUB/RETURN. They're not too difficult.
I'm glad the first question you asked was how to PLAN your program. The downfall of many startup indie studios is lack of planning. Write out a main loop thing, like the one Hamish showed you.
`Declare variables here
gosub setup
gosub loadMedia
gosub playerMovement
gosub playerCollision
gosub handleEvents
gosub specialEffects
Take each of those subroutines and devote an entire sheet of paper to them. Plan out what they will do, and a little bit of how they will do it. Find out if you need any smaller subroutines to make work easier. For example:
The subroutine Load Media could be split into different chunks like: Load Player Objects, Load Level Objects, Load HUD images, etc. etc.
If you do it right each subroutine you write will be a learning experience and when you're done with the project you'll be pretty proficient at programming in DB
Crazy Donut Productions, Current Project: KillZone
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