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DarkBASIC Discussion / ground model

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Joined: 13th Nov 2002
Posted: 16th Dec 2002 05:44
Say instead of making a boring maxtrix, I make a 3d model of a land in my 3d modeler. I save the model, then load the model in Dark Basic. Is there any way I can use the model as a basis for my ground? I want the model to be the actuall ground of the level. Do you guys know how to do this?
Dr DooMer
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Joined: 22nd Dec 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 23rd Dec 2002 03:20
Heh, heh - nasty one this, with all that slow collision detection. You could make an invisible matrix at the same height as your 3D model, if possible. Otherwise you might have to program your own mathematical collision; have fun!

In my game, Sherman (anybody heard of it?), I made a simple program that would run over each map I created. It would then create and save an array that contained solidity data for the map, which I could then use in the main program. There's probably better (and simpler) ways of doing it, but it worked for me and was VERY fast.

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