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3 Dimensional Chat / collisions with animated objects ... help :(

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Joined: 5th Sep 2002
Posted: 16th Dec 2002 14:07
my twisted head expected that if you animated an object you would expect detection to follow it. It seems that detection for polygons only notes the very first frame. this is rather annoying because to me its easier and more tidy to animate an object than get a stationary object to follow a path by coding it.

anyonr got a work around or knows if this is a bug?
Fluffy Paul
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Joined: 16th Dec 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 16th Dec 2002 19:35
I find that a 2-stage collision detection works well as it doesn't do anything complicated until you need it.
What I mean y 2-stage is that initially you just check for objects being near each other. I usually have an array which stores the collision radius for all my objects (cos they're all different sizes).
If two objects are within collision distance then I peform the more advanced check. I'll activate the per-poly collision detection - do the check and then de-activate it again so as not to cane my CPU.

Another thing you might try doing it to check the location of a particular limb as the basis for a collision area.

Tell me how you get on. Or if I misread the problem.
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Joined: 5th Sep 2002
Posted: 16th Dec 2002 22:07
thanks mate ill tinker then

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