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Work in Progress / Tyrannt RPG Engine update [June 04]

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Posted: 27th Jun 2004 03:41 Edited at: 1st Aug 2004 20:40
Just thought I'd post a new update that I've made to my RPG Engine for generating Classic style turn based RPG games.

I've been working on some core routines mainly and re-designed my website

The current version can be downloaded via the following link:

I've now added an encounter generator routine, it's not flash at the moment but it does the job to get some stuff input. I'm also working on the monster generator which still needs quite a bit of work done. I'm experimenting with this one by trying to draw an input screen and code round that, but not being a very good artist type of person I may just make it like the encounter generator for now.

I've also started to design the look for the main part of the engine (Playing with texture maker and PSP) which you can see in the below picture.

I've also added to the Runtime engine the ability to load encounters that you have generated and display any Pre-Encounter text stored in the encounter details. (You can access the Encounter Generator via the Maze Generator by putting an encounter number on the map) (See below for an example, the encounters are the numbers in the yellow squares)

Next I'm going to go back to the monster generator and also more design on the main screen for displaying the character information.

All help and suggestions welcome.


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Posted: 27th Jun 2004 08:05
very good! it actually took me back about 20 years, reminded me of the old RPGs I used to play!

I'd suggest makining something more viually pleasing then the Text arrows tho... mabey sprites?

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Posted: 27th Jun 2004 16:23
Thanks for the comment,
If you look in the Encounter Generator you can see the text arrows were just some text associated with sn encounter. I had only just finished a message system last night so put in a bit of text to try it out via the Encounter Generator.

You have to bare in mind this is a set of tools and engine to design and play your own games rather than a game in it's own right. (Though once the engine has progressed far enough I'll work on a game too)

The encounter screen (Shown below) will show you what an encounter can consist of.

It's not flashy looking yet due to geting the functionality there first and making look pretty later (Which I will probably need help with)

Currently I've only done the text part of the Encounter runtime. Adding pictures, sound, movies, fights etc is going to be worked on. There is a lot still to do. I was wondering if for now I should do the monster generator like the encounter or continue with the way it is currently (See the Test Monster Gen part of the main menu)


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Posted: 27th Jun 2004 22:30 Edited at: 1st Aug 2004 20:40
I've just added the ability to display pre and post encounter pictures and play pre and post encounter sounds.

Download new zip file (Just over 5 mb) here:

I've added a test picture and sound into the first corridor and room to test this out. To add your own pics and sounds, via the map editor edit or add encounters and put in the path to the picture and/or sound in the relevent section, examing encounter 4 and 5 for examples.


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Posted: 30th Jun 2004 20:39
Hi there, while the forums were down I changed the way the .EXE was built and added some more sounds. You can download the above zip file but it is now 6mb in size.



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Posted: 5th Jul 2004 06:54 Edited at: 1st Aug 2004 20:43
Another update uploaded to the website.

This now includes the ability to create false walls. (They will look the same as normal walls but you can walk through them.

Also the majority of the work done to the monster generator is done.

The displaying of any models needs to be done (Later though) the space on the left side of the screen is going to be used for equipping the monster with items but that is dependant on the item generator which is the next project I'm working on.

The ability to mouse click around this screen and the encounter one will be done later, currently you have to go through the screens in order and the items will be automatically saved at the end.

Any feedback and comments will be appreciated. There is still a long way to go but I am gradually getting there.



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Posted: 5th Jul 2004 18:15
Wow really nice! Keep up the good work!

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Posted: 9th Jul 2004 07:34
Just a quick addition before starting work on the item generator, I've just added a sound for the False walls and I've added some character info to the main engine screen as can now be seen at the top of this thread. And any of the download links will download the latest version. Remeber though the graphics of these screens are very basic so if anyone wants a go at re-drawing them then let me know.

The next task is the Item Generator and then linking this with the characters and monsters.



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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 05:03
I've now finished the Item Generator. I'm currently working on putting this into the Monster and Encounter Generators.

Below is a screen shot of the Item Generator. Use above links to download latest version which is now around 7mb in size.

Will update when I have the this incorperated in the other sections.


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Posted: 12th Jul 2004 07:51
One last update, I've now added the monster and item generators to the main menu as well as incorporate the monster and item generators into the Encounter Generator and the item generator into the monster generator as you can now see in the Monster Generator picture above. The file has been updated and can be accesses via the links above. You can modify small things in the game by editing the game.tyconf file in the data directory. Currently it is:







In case you break anything . I've also updated my website with latest info.

Next step is to design the Combat System and skill system for the characters. This may take a while so it may be sometime before the next update. Though I may post some tests of the combat systems as I go along.

If anyone has any comments or requests let me know and I'll see if I can accommodate them. Also if anyone wants to help graphically then they are more then welcome, just send me an email or MSN me.



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Posted: 13th Jul 2004 05:59
Ok, maybe not so long before the next update, Someone asked me if I could add the Auto Map to it. So I've just done that, you can see this on the main image at the top of the thread. Any of the download links above will down load the new zip file containing the automap.

Now back to combat and skills.



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Posted: 17th Jul 2004 01:45
is this written in DBpro?

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Posted: 17th Jul 2004 02:37

The download has been updated and now allows for mouse clicking on the Item Generator and Monster Generator screens. I'm goig to convert the encounter and charactrer generator screens this weekend as I need to get the character inventory screens sorted for doing combat (I'm planning a generic screen for Character Generation and Inventory.



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Posted: 18th Jul 2004 06:24 Edited at: 18th Jul 2004 06:41
I've now re-done the Encounter Generator screen so that it is in keeping with the others and allows you to use the mouse to select the different fields. Screen shot below. Download from any of the links above (It's now just over 9mb)

If you modify the datagame.tyconf file and set the combat and charaters to 1:


You will be able to see the initial work on the Character Generator re-write (Pic only at the moment) and the combat arena (Again, mostly just a picture at the moment).


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Posted: 20th Jul 2004 18:55
I've now fixed the problem with the itemgenerator falling over and replaced the old character generater with the new one. The download is still around 9mb in size.

Could people try out the character generator and see if they can get it to break.

The screen has not been finished yet but the functionality from the previous version should be there. And hopefully I've caught all the problems, but further testing should hopefully confirm or deny that.

The rules it is following are:

Name / Sex can be updated all the time, Re-Rolling dice should clear race, guild and class. Selecting a race should adjust the stats and allow a guild to be selected. Selecting a guild should fill the class area as well. (Class is not clickable) Selecting the Race again should clear the Guild and Class.

Thanks for the help.


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Posted: 23rd Jul 2004 07:44
Worked on the Character Generator and modified the menus to appear where the mouse is clicked instead of the center of the screen and made the more tidier. Also the secondary stats (Apart from Energy) Have been generated as well. Please could people try and break again (As well as any other part on the engine so far) To download use the above links as usual, size around the same as before.

The formulas used for the secondary stats are:

HP = 75% of Endurance + 25% of Might
Power = 75% of Psyche + 25% of Intelligence

Health=HP% of Max, -Disease -Poison
Energy Drain needs some thought
Reaction = (Agility * 2) + Speed
Presence = (Charisma * 2) + (Might / 2) + (Psyche / 2)

Also done some more planning work on the Combat system:

Movement and Actions

Each character (And Monster) is allowed to do a certain amount in a turn. This will be the characters Health value, usually 100 when fully healthy.

The cost for each action is based on the characters skills/stats. For example the slower a character is, the more it will cost to move one square of the maze. Taken into account is health which if bad will slow down the character

The characters main statistics can range from 4 to 30

Movement Per Square =(35-Speed)+(35-Agility)
Attack =(40-Agility)+((120-Weapon Skill)/2)

So Best Case Scenario for movement will be 7 points movement per round, worst case is 62 points per movement per round, so if a character’s health drops below 62 and their speed=4 and their agility=4 the character wont be able to move that round.

The BCS for Attack will be 20 points per round, the WCS will be 96 points per round.

To attack you need to be in an adjacent square to the monster

The * inside the above donates a player and the # donates a potential monster that can be attacked.

Am going to work on the skills next so that combat is actually possible


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Posted: 26th Jul 2004 07:47
Just done a big update to the demo. It now is at a stage where I am ready to start the combat system.

The changes are:

1) The Character generator has now been updated with skills and items allowing charaters to be combat ready. Below is a screen shot of the new character generator.

2) The item Generator now allows items to have an accociated skill. Screen show can be viewed in the above secions to do with the Item Generator

3) The Monster Generator has been modified to make use of dice formulas which has meant a big reduction in code and makes generating monsters much easier.

I'll now be concentrating on the rules of combat

Can peeps who try this out let me know if it works on their setup, i've been having a few problems between my desktop and laptop machines.



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Posted: 28th Jul 2004 07:28
Another quick update...

1) Apologies to anyone trying to download the demo during late 26th and early 27th, my web hosting peeps had machine problems. It’s fixed now (And downloading seems quicker than before!)

2) There have been quite a few minor bug fixes in the character generator, if anyone else spots anymore I’ll fix ASAP.

3) I’ve now created a “Pre generated” party of characters, feel free to change. Also if anyone gets crashes when selecting characters, it’s best to remove any old ones as the file format has changed quite a lot in the last week.

4) I’ve at last started work back on the Combat screen, this will now appear every time you encounter a monster (The default maze has such an encounter when you walk through the first door on your right). I’ve now got the grid sorted out and the Character list is now on screen. (Feel free to play around with the data/combat.tyconf which controls that screen (Also you can play around with the data/game.tyconf file to try different screen resolutions and 35 window sizes etc. (Though doing so may cause problems)

Next is to generate the actual opponents in the combat arena and then comes the interesting fighting stuff.


"What is this talk of 'release'? Klingons do not'release' software. It escapes leaving a bloody trail of developers and quality assurance people in its wake!"
King Of Fools
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Posted: 28th Jul 2004 08:37
Hi guys,

nice engine guy, keep up this good work and it will be the BEST!

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Posted: 29th Jul 2004 08:15 Edited at: 29th Jul 2004 08:16
Thanks, am trying to do a bit every evening...

Combat is now well on it's way. The latest download contains the tweaked combat layout, plus it now has a message window for displaying messages. The debug mode is on for combat which will show you the generation of the monsters stats based on the dice forumlas in the monster generation screen.

This weekend I hope to have the placement of the characters and monsters on the combat grid sorted and get some kind of actual combat rounds happening.

Currently it's only going to be on the grid, once the combat routines are functional it will be time to start working on the 3d view of the combat.

Any problems with what I have so far then let me know.


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Posted: 31st Jul 2004 00:20 Edited at: 1st Aug 2004 06:01
I've not done any new updates yet, But I've now made an installer using the great nsis2.0 software ( and the HM NIS Edit tool ( and managed to make it easier to install and much smaller 5.7mb instead of 9mb.

So if anyone wants to try the installer then its available here:



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Posted: 1st Aug 2004 06:11
Another update and another installer.

I've now been working more on the combat system, There is now a full character list and monster list. The monsters appear on the combat grid and it will now allow you to place your characters in the combat grid too. A screen shot is below:

The installer for this version can be downloaded via:

It's probably best if you un-install the previous one if you have it installed. (I've not tried to update a previous one)

Any problems let me know.


"What is this talk of 'release'? Klingons do not'release' software. It escapes leaving a bloody trail of developers and quality assurance people in its wake!"

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