Use the manual as a basic reference to see {most} of the commands that are available. Then use the help in the editor to get {a sometimes better} look at the syntax & parameters.
The documentation is in the process of being re-written. The current manual isn't up-to-date, doesn't contain all the commands, doesn't list all optional parameters, nor does it provide how to actually use the command in conjunction with other commands.
The built in help file, sometimes shows optional parameters but it still isn't up-to-date. Showcase & usage examples don't always contain the command you are trying to reference.
Rich is working hard at documenting every command, syntax, usage, examples, but it is a large undertaking.
Check out some of the tutorials on the developer network page, the code-base & code snippets board, search the forums, check stickies at the top of indivual boards, and finally if you run into a problem try to post your question in the forums.