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3 Dimensional Chat / Cshop and collision detection

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Joined: 17th Dec 2002
Posted: 17th Dec 2002 22:18
how do i distinguish between walls and floors in my level created with Cshop? I have created gravity so that the player stops falling when he hits the floor using the object collision() command. But if the player is on the floor, i can't test for collisions with walls because the player is already colliding with the floor. the object collision() command treats the entire level as a unit. This means that if i detect for collision on one surface, i am detecting collision on all surfaces.
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Joined: 29th Aug 2002
Location: 32 Light Years away
Posted: 17th Dec 2002 22:22
Try the "DarkBASIC Pro Discussion" board...not everyone hangs around the 3dimensional chat.

Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving
And revolving at nine hundred miles an hour!

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