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DarkBASIC Discussion / Collision with rotated objects?

Hamish McHaggis
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Joined: 13th Dec 2002
Location: Modgnik Detinu
Posted: 17th Dec 2002 22:39
Anyone got a code for collision with rotated objects or even static objects? Ive been trying to figure it out but I just cant do it.
Hamish McHaggis
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Joined: 13th Dec 2002
Location: Modgnik Detinu
Posted: 17th Dec 2002 22:53
I mean Sliding collision

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Joined: 26th Nov 2002
Posted: 19th Dec 2002 16:14
Hey Hamish have you checked out [url] [/url]for some ideas?

The tut demonstrates using simple rotated objects imported from a .x/.3ds model file as "Collision Boundries" and calculates a sliding response based on the rotation of the collision boundry. Check it out

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