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DarkBASIC Discussion / Worldcraft

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Joined: 17th Dec 2002
Posted: 17th Dec 2002 22:39
Hi there DB people, I am new to DB and I have a bit of a question.
I noticed that most people are using Matedit or magic world..Well for some reason both are freezing up on me. Magicworld freezes when I load tiles
Matedit does it from the get go...If you know why please tell me.
Also Im sure that everyone here knows that Worldcraft has now become Hammer..My question here is, can you still load the maps into DB?
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Joined: 19th Dec 2002
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Posted: 20th Dec 2002 01:56
to anwer your last question (can you still load the maps into DB?) You sould be able to OK!
As for the crashing of the Editors in question -

First of all the truth is thoughs editors are quite unstable already that is a Fact and its un avoidable!

But for me to understand what is truly going on please tell me what happend? did the program freeze and you could exit? or did it Freeze and you had to Clt,Alt,Del your way out? or worst of all did the whole system crash and you had to hit your restart botton?
and last what version of Windows do you have? (I hope its not Windows XP!!!)

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