Hello and thank you for reading this post!
I will write a small program ( a mini-mini game ) to include with my portfolio and maybe develop it in full in a future. I will use Dark Basic Pro. I have everything needed to START developing the mini-mini game, all I want basically is to show 3 characters at the beginning of the game, then you will choose from one of them and the game will be based around that character ( RACE )
For instance, I'm not thinking YET in add battle, menus or anything like that to the engine, I will start by building and refining the world, until the point my eyes can’t take it any more. WHY? The whole point of this game will be a showcase for my low-poly models and cut-scenes for high poly models. Most of my models have a story written, with creatures and a complex world (environment), so I’m taking 3 of my characters and building a "WORLD for them to live" - kind of thing.
as a result, I have some questions about using matrices or using Meshes for my "areas/levels"
I'm using Maya 5.0 to build up the models, I have the functionally version of the .x export plugging for Maya. Now, I need to know which method is appropriate to use when building "a world" like I’m planning to do.
A) Using Matrices ( I read is slower )
B) Building the whole map in Maya and exporting it as a .x ( I read “problems with collisions and tracking objects”)
C) Give me your professional opinion.
Well I hope I'm clear enough, thank again for reading!
- Just Me!