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Newcomers DBPro Corner / Where the heck do I, a begginer, start?

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Posted: 19th Dec 2002 00:42
Where do I start? I would like to know. I know how to make a cylinder gun with bullets, and I know how to make images and sprites, and I know about the IF THEN commads a little, but I dont know where to start when making games. I am VERY new at this, so I am posting the new peoples corner, asking for HELP!!! I want to make a game, similar to Halo for the XBOX, but not with as many levels and whatever, but I really have no clue where to start. CAn someone please help me? Thanks and bye!
The Darthster
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Posted: 19th Dec 2002 00:58
You aren't likely to make a game like HALO for a while yet. I'd advise you look through some of the examples and tutorials which come with DB. Get lots of experience programming very little programs, then when you think you know enough about how the commands are used, look at the structure of a game and see what you would need to code (player character, player input, environment, collision, computer ai etc). There is an unsurprisingly large amount of code to write and media to create to make something like HALO, so I advise you make Pong and work up (slowly).
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Posted: 19th Dec 2002 01:31
Yes, I do know already that I cannot make a Halo type of game this soon, but I was just saying those are my plans when I learn how to use this program.. Now, can you please help me with adding player characters, player inputs, environments, and computer AI? To get the environment, would I just use the LOAD BITMAP command thing? Or is there something else that I have to use to load an environment??? OR WHAT? I mean, if I need an environtment and characters and everything, how can I make those? Thanks!

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Posted: 19th Dec 2002 02:45
First of all, to get some basic programming knowledge go over the "Programming Principals" section of the dark basic help. Write little demos to demonstrate to yourself you can you use what you just learned along the way. After you do that, head over to the 3d tutorial in the "Create" section ( of

John H
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Posted: 19th Dec 2002 03:40
Characters you need to model

Landscape you need something like MatEDIT or something.

Your waaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of yourself slow down. Load bitmap, wont do crap for an environment, you need 3d. (if your game is 3d)

Plus, you wont get HALO with DB Sorry to break it to ya. Too high poly and such. A similiar game could be made (just a fps) but nothing of that high standards. Strutt your Stuff was the best FPS made with DB. Check that out.


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Posted: 19th Dec 2002 04:18
I know nothing JUST like Halo can be made, but I just wanted to make a game with the shooting and aliens and stuff, like what you do in HALO. But only in my own game. Not like the REAL HALO, but my own, not as good version, is what I wanted. Now, will GTK Radiant work to make environments? Cuz I have that..

Characters to model. Hmmm. I suk at making 3d models myself, so can I maybe just get other 3d models found on the internet or something? Maybe the downloadable player models for the game STAR WARS JEDI KNIGHTS II: JEDI OUTCAST.. I've downloading some before, so can I use those?

So, these are my questions:

1. Can I use Gtk Radiant to make my environment things (interiors of buildings) and use them in my game? I can easily make my own levels in it, but can i use them?

2. Can I just download models from another game that people made and use them in my game? THanks so far and bye!

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Posted: 19th Dec 2002 04:27
I'm new too, but here's what I can answer for you:

1. Yes, Pro can handle .bsp levels, but as I'm new I don't know how to code the engine to intereact with the levels...... yet. Darkbasic 1.13 can also use .bsp levels, but I think you need the enhancements of patch 1.13 (which only last 1 month), I think that's right.

2. This ones quite easy. If the filetype of the models ah compatible, and in a format that DB/DBPro can use, and interpret, then there shouldn't be any problems. HOWEVER, if you go downloading models and stuff off the web, make sure that the authors of the models allow their models to be used in games/mods ( a Half-Life mod), or if you're unsure, contact them by email (if possible) to ensure that you don't breach any copyrights and such.

I think I got your points right, if any of the "old timers" here need to correct me, or have further tips/info, I'm sure they'll post something

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Posted: 19th Dec 2002 05:00
Ok. Thanks. And, the models were made for a game, so I am definetly guessing they can be used in games!

So, they should hopefully work. And, ok, its good to hear that it can have those types of levels, but it is bad to hear that you dont know how to do that stuffs, yet... If anyone else does, can you please tell me how?

And those tutorials over at or whatever it is are GREAT for me, only THE CODES DONT WORK RIGHT WHEN I PUT THEM INTO DB. I just copy and paste them, and it all works fine, until I hit F5 and the Client comes up with an error message saying something about the texture of the matrix is invalid or it is not found or something.. And I mean, its not my image, it is one from the DarkBASIC site, so there is something wrong with my DB or the code or the iamge or I dunno! But can someone also just tell me the key concepts to building a game and stuff? Thanks and bye!

John H
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Posted: 19th Dec 2002 14:00
You will need to ask for permission to use the models in your game. Most models on the web are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to high poly to be used in dark basic.

About your image- its probably not the right one. you cant just use the one in the code, the image has to be in your directory where you code is, and when you call it, you have to name it.


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Posted: 19th Dec 2002 14:20
I know about the image. I have known to do that, but guess what? I really do have no images of grass! DO you um, know where I can get some? Because if I do get some, then I can hopefull continue in the tutorial. But, something else happens sometimes, too. You know how if there is an invalid parameter or something, when you hit F5 to try out the code it doesnt let you try it out, it just goes to the invalid part and highlights it? Well, in that tutorial, the last word in it is "LOOP" and it says that it is wrong. But deleting it does nothing, and I dont know why it does that. I will just do my own pic next time, when I get a pic of grass, and see if i still get that error. Thanks for your help, guys!

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Posted: 19th Dec 2002 14:21
Oh, but for the models, if they are meant to be used freely, don't you think I can use them..... freely? I will go to the site and see if there are any restrictions, but if they are for download, to be used in any way possible, then I do think I can use them. Bye.

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Posted: 19th Dec 2002 14:52
Ok. I have my own image of grass, but it STILL DOES NOT WORK... I am getting pissed off here. I have my image where it should be, in the LOAD BITMAP or whatever, and then I dont change anything else. When I then hit F5, it gives me an error. IT says that there is an error with one part of it. There seems to be no error, from what I see. I know this is not for code snippets, but this is the code:

It gives me an error at the part that says this:

For x = 0 to 19
For z = 0 to 19
t = rnd(3)+1
Set Matrix Tile 1,x,z,t
Next z <<<< right here it says it doesnt work.
Next x

So, I reallu dont know why it doesnt work. Bye...

John H
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Posted: 20th Dec 2002 01:55
Can I see the models your getting? ill tell you if they are usable.


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Posted: 20th Dec 2002 02:13
Ok. Let me just get the link to the site, if I can remember it!

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