Ok. I have my own image of grass, but it STILL DOES NOT WORK... I am getting pissed off here. I have my image where it should be, in the LOAD BITMAP or whatever, and then I dont change anything else. When I then hit F5, it gives me an error. IT says that there is an error with one part of it. There seems to be no error, from what I see. I know this is not for code snippets, but this is the code:
Sync On
Sync Rate 30
Rem make matrix
Make matrix 1,10000,10000,20,20
Rem texture matrix
Load image "grass09.bmp",1
Prepare matrix texture 1,1,2,2
Rem Randomize the matrix
randomize matrix 1,250
Rem Place random texture on each matrix tile
For x = 0 to 19
For z = 0 to 19
t = rnd(3)+1
Set Matrix Tile 1,x,z,t
Next z
Next x
Rem Update the changes to the matrix
update matrix 1
Rem Main loop
Rem Store Object angle
CameraAngleY# = Camera angle Y()
Rem Control input for camera
If Upkey()=1 then Move camera 10
If Leftkey()=1 then Yrotate Camera Wrapvalue(CameraAngleY#-5)
If Rightkey()=1 then Yrotate Camera Wrapvalue(CameraAngleY#+5)
If Spacekey()=1
Fill matrix 1,Rnd(50),Rnd(3)+1
randomize matrix 1,250
X# = Camera position X()
Z# = Camera position Z()
Position Camera X#,250,Z#
Rem Refresh Screen
It gives me an error at the part that says this:
For x = 0 to 19
For z = 0 to 19
t = rnd(3)+1
Set Matrix Tile 1,x,z,t
Next z <<<< right here it says it doesnt work.
Next x
So, I reallu dont know why it doesnt work. Bye...