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Work in Progress / Tile~Forge (rectangular) 1.0

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Posted: 18th Jul 2004 03:54 Edited at: 18th Jul 2004 04:50
This application is part of my tutorial in the "2d All the way board", Bit I wanted to have a thread here to get feed back on the application form people who may not be following the tutorial thread.

Tile~forge (rectangular) will be a 2d MapEditor for 2D tile-based games including Top-down RPGs, Adventures, Side-Scroller platforms, SideScroller Adventure, pretty much any tupe of game that can be built from rectangular graphics. The porject will be open-Source, and open-media.

Eventually I'll be writing a Tile~Forge ISO/ISOhex. Here is a screenshot of the GUI. I'll have downloadable trials as I build the application; possibly available as soon as nextweek. I am writing the source for DBC & DBpro at the same time. Well that's all for now. Heres the 1st form for the GUI (not 100% complete)


Mind Storm 101
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Posted: 18th Jul 2004 04:27
OMG, convert your screen shot to .jpg, yours is in .bmp and is massive, judgeing by the size its several megs, we cant download that much on one screen

"Think what you like, You'll all be mine in the end."

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Posted: 18th Jul 2004 04:50
Mindstorm 101, Sorry that was a mistake. I fixed it. Thanks for letting me know.


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Posted: 18th Jul 2004 05:43
thats pretty cool great work

Making better games everday!
Oh yeah and just so you know its Oh-nek-a not One-ka!
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Posted: 18th Jul 2004 06:05
Thanks Oneka Production!

It will have some interesting features. Here are some

- An automatic Fringing Routine to automatically generate Tile-transitions. A slider bar will let you control how one tile flows into the next. This will save you time if you don't want to draw all possible transitions. You can edit the priority of the transitions through a simple graphical utility.

- A random Map Generator.

- A fill tool, to speed up the creation process

- 5 Layers controlled viewing, Meaning yuou can turn layers on and off and see imediate results.

- Switch between Multiple tile-sets right through the GUI

- A minimap viewer so that You can see the overall world zoomed out


Cian Rice
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Posted: 18th Jul 2004 06:15
Sweet, can't wait for it to be released.

Got anime?
I do.

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