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Work in Progress / deathmatch game, >> video <<

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Posted: 20th Jul 2004 22:04 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2004 00:18
hi guys,
For the last 2 days i'm working on a simple deathmatch game. I've seen alot before but they where eeeh.. well the psyhics of the player where good but the A.I. . And I'm trying to make some good A.I. . What ive created sofar is a simple map with 2 diffrent items ( ammo, health). The players try to kill eachother, but if they have no ammo then they are going to get ammo. Same with health. I haven't made yet the killing animation for the characters, so if one get killed he is just spawning some where in the level, working on that..

If i let the players play against eachother the result is everytime different. So I think that i've made some SIMPLE A.I. I'm planning to make them think much further than only, "need ammo", "need health" etc. But that is work for the future

Have a look at the video i made, seen from above. The game speed is way too high but i've already fixed that, but ive made the video before i fixed it, so don't care about the speed. Just look at what they're doing

video zipped, 2.1 mb
[b](rightclick, save as )
[b](rightclick, save as )


syntax error??? it isn't an error, it is a feature
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Posted: 20th Jul 2004 22:19
I can see the image, but video is unavailable.

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Posted: 20th Jul 2004 22:25
hmmm.. yes i see I'm uploading it somewhere else at the moment, and i've requested a sub domain, That should help

syntax error??? it isn't an error, it is a feature
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Posted: 20th Jul 2004 22:40
ok, emperor baal hase uploaded the movie for me, should work now

have a look at his site:

tell me what you think

syntax error??? it isn't an error, it is a feature
teh game wiz
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Posted: 21st Jul 2004 04:34
not bad, not sure what the big cube is for. would be intressing to see it agaisnt a human and see how well it does

good work carry on and some time(probaly 200 years lol) you might master AI W0000000000000000000T
Peter H
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Posted: 21st Jul 2004 05:08
Try to make it so the AI isn't impossibly accurate...that gets really annoying...

Formerly known as "DarkWing Duck"
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Posted: 21st Jul 2004 06:13 Edited at: 21st Jul 2004 06:20
that they aren't always shooting at eachother, is that what you mean? not so good in english sorry

Quote: "would be intressing to see it agaisnt a human and see how well it does "

well i can tell you actually it is very hard, because the enemys dont have to think about there actions, they are just doing what the code says. Every time i try to battle againt the enemys i finish 3th or 4 th, really it is hard

syntax error??? it isn't an error, it is a feature
Peter H
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Posted: 21st Jul 2004 07:05
i mean so that they don't always hit each other...they need to miss sometimes...

Formerly known as "DarkWing Duck"
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Posted: 21st Jul 2004 07:36 Edited at: 21st Jul 2004 07:37
they do, i use this kind of code for aiming the bullets:

rotate a bullet to the enemy's direction
randomize it a little

bullet angle = enemy angle - 3 + rnd(6)

syntax error??? it isn't an error, it is a feature
Peter H
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Posted: 21st Jul 2004 10:10

Formerly known as "DarkWing Duck"
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Posted: 21st Jul 2004 21:45
But im stopped the deathmatch type, going to make cooperative A.I. that works with the player and with their teammates against the opponents, wich are 2 working to getter i have a screenie soon


syntax error??? it isn't an error, it is a feature
Megaton Cat
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Posted: 21st Jul 2004 23:17
Is this supposed to be funny?
I see see small cubes firing streaks of pellets around the screen... that the A.I?

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2004 00:17
yes, this is very basic A.I. They search for a target and fire at it, if they have ammo, if they don't then they're going to get ammo on one of the ammo places. It's the same with health. But what i'm trying to create now is that they think about there actions and react on their envirement, so not that they just do what the code say, but that they can choose from several things, that will be depend on the envirement of the game and the place where the A.I. is. if it is in open grass then it will search for cover instead of fireing at an enemy. But im working on that and it's going pretty well

syntax error??? it isn't an error, it is a feature

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