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Newcomers DBPro Corner / Help with my first project program

ian dunn
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Posted: 21st Jul 2004 05:46
Im brand new to DB Pro and also to game programming I have done a little text based using c++ anyways my question is I\'am looking to start a texas hold\'em game but need help starting it. Just any info or prior experiences would help with AI, and game engine, allow program user interface. Thanks
Peter H
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Posted: 21st Jul 2004 05:50
you really need to ask more specific questions if you want any answers...

i suggest going through this tutorial(for DBClassic but the concepts work in DBPro)

Formerly known as "DarkWing Duck"
Ice Dragonz
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Posted: 21st Jul 2004 06:14
Look at teh tutoirals on DarkBasic's dev network.

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Posted: 21st Jul 2004 06:53 Edited at: 21st Jul 2004 06:54
I have a playing card loader in the codebase that you might find useful at some point. Search "Playing Card" in the DBP codebase

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Posted: 21st Jul 2004 07:12
I'd be happy to help with any coding you get stuck with, just e-mail me at and I'll see what I can do.

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