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DarkBASIC Discussion / probs - code or pc?

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Posted: 20th Dec 2002 00:07
I have written some simple stuff to make a database, I`ve posted part of the filetree, where you would load/save files.
It used to work fine, but now on my PC it chugs.. only changes are:
directX8.1 re-installed ( as I wasnt sure what version I had, so I updated)
updated GFX card drivers, as I had ( well still have ) icon colour problems.

is it posible that I could have damaged how DB runs ? as there are several of my codes that now have the same problem.

the other problem I have encountered is if I do this :

it wont print `hello` on the screen.
I have mentioned this before, Easily Confused suggested to use set text opaque, and remove the CLS, but in most of what I have coded, I`m not sure if that would work, ( sorry E.C, but thanks anyway )
for some reason, my DB wont update the screen very well with CLS & SYNC in a do loop.

Any ideas ?
Easily Confused
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Posted: 20th Dec 2002 00:55
A strange problem indeed, Just to satisfy my curiosity, what is your GFX card?

"Earth is the cradle of humanity,
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Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky (1911)
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Posted: 20th Dec 2002 01:11
...oh by the way, I can't check/test your first example. The snippet does'nt look like it has copied properly.

Damn forum bugs!

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Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky (1911)
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Posted: 20th Dec 2002 01:42
I got a creative GeForce 256 AGP.
I`m not using creative drivers, as the last time I used them I had problems in studio MAX with open GL, so for about 18 months, I have been using & updating with the Nvidia Detonator drivers.

ok, put this code in after the REM DIRECTORIES

over writing lines up to `IF DIR$(COUNTER)="..", I`m sure u will see where it fits..

oh, I took the rem`d GOSUB line out..... its not needed for the snippet

I hope you can help - I have tried new drivers, new directX, fresh install of DB, all thats left now if reinstall windows! lol


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Posted: 20th Dec 2002 01:45
must admit, I have not reinstalled windows for about 4 months! thats bad for me!! , lol usually once every 5-6 weeks, cos I`m bored! lol

Easily Confused
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Posted: 20th Dec 2002 02:54
I presume your`re using Detonator 40, your card is supported and yet you have display problems, puzzling...

Ok, I've looked at the first example, made a slight adjustments here and there, like the color scheme (so I could see what was going on), other than that, I'm seeing the contents of my Program Files folder as I presume, I should. I can even move the mouse up and down to change the text color.

Here is the adjusted code: (if the forum copies it properly)

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Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky (1911)
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Posted: 20th Dec 2002 02:56
Sorry, that I cannot help you further with you're techy problem though, strange that one.

"Earth is the cradle of humanity,
but one cannot live in a cradle forever"
Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky (1911)
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Posted: 20th Dec 2002 07:48
yes, thats exactly how the code should work., what it then does - but I didnt post this bit - was when you click on a directory, it would list the files within that DIR on the right.
they adjusted code you send works fine, but I still get slow down, its as if the mouse `cant be bothered to move` lol. Hey, maybe new mouse drivers ? I`ll try em, but I cant see why that would be it....

it seems the more I print the slower it gets, but I mean REALLY SLOW, if I have two lists on the screen, one for DIR, one for files, both 25 long, its unusable., thats only 50 text strings - and it wont run ?
ok, I know my PC is getting old, ( P3,450 - 512MB), but it `did` handle everything I coded once.

I may try new windows this weekend.. oh well..:/

thanks anyway,


( but please, ppl, keep sending suggestions - just in case I cant sort it from a new install!! )

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Posted: 20th Dec 2002 16:41
Why do you use the CLS command?remove that.

I thought they'd gotten rid of the flick bug?

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