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Work in Progress / JOUST re-make

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Posted: 21st Jul 2004 07:41
Hey all,
Right, here's my very first W.I.P post, lets make it a good one

I first started working on my joust re-make when I heard about the retro re-makes competition at However, that was then and this is now, I've decided I'd rather take my time with this game and know that I'm happy with it, then release it to the community, rather then enter it in a comp, probably un-complete, and not completely sure what the comp runners are and aren't allowed to do with my program.

So here's a screenie for everyone, sorry for the lack of exciting things to look at, I aren't exactly the worlds quickest coder. The shots not too up to date and I'll get a new one done a.s.a.p(Yes those sprites are ripped but I'm well on the way to finishing my own set)

I've changed the players character to a knight riding on pegasus, and will change the platforms to clouds, background to sky etc when I have the time.

So far I have........

Got the jumping sorted, with a little flapping animation.

Got the platfomr collision sorted(but not got all the platfroms in)

Got the enemy collision semi-sorted although I'm having a little trouble getting the program to distinguish between high and low attacks.

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Posted: 21st Jul 2004 08:11
woow The sprites look great hope that the animations are even good as the static sprites nice work! hmm the only thing.. shouldn't you make the resolution 1 step lower, like 640 * 480, to get that classic pixel feeling or even 320 * 240, but that's your decision .

good luck with your progress, its looking nice !

syntax error??? it isn't an error, it is a feature
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Posted: 21st Jul 2004 08:16
Woooh...Joust. One of the first games I got excited about.

The sound bites are essential for a game like this for the authentic feel.

BatVink AMD 3000+ Barton, 512Mb Ram, 120 Gig Drive space, GeForce 5200 FX 128 Mb, Asus A7N8X Mobo.
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Posted: 21st Jul 2004 09:29 Edited at: 21st Jul 2004 09:36
Thanks for the feedback!

@Jopie Dopie, sorry to disappoint but those graphics aren't mine, there just copied and pasted from a playable version of the game. Thanks for the tip on resolution, I'll give that a try and let you know how it turns out.

@BatVink, Totally agree about the soundbites, not quite sure what a horse flapping its wings sounds like though. Playing the original it sounds a bit like someone rustling a plastic carrier bag so I'll give that a go.

again, Thanks for the feedback, I hope there's plenty more where that came from.

p.s. Will definately have a perfectly up-to-date screenie up by tomorrow night

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Posted: 21st Jul 2004 12:25
cool WIP! I personally love this game

bask when I used to program for TI graphing calculators, I made a remake of this game... the enemy collision was the hardest part.

looking great so far, I look forward to seeing your custom sprites

Go Go Gadget DBPRO!

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2004 01:30

~*~ Life Is Temporary, Gaming Is Eternal ~*~
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2004 03:34
Well like I promised, here's the sprites I've been working on, I've only just taken this screenie so it's as up to date as they come.

Here's my little horse sprite and one of the cloud platfroms, lucky old me doesn't have to change any of the platform collison co-ords because of the way I've set it so I could change the platform sprites as many times as I liked, maybe I could have themes for the leves, space, jungle, etc. The mind boggles

And here's all 2 frames of the horse flapping animation. I only wish the horse running animation was going to be this simple.

Thanks yet again, it seems to make it all much more worthwhile when people notice your project.

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2004 21:49
ok.. The game looks cool. But you should REALLY work on your spriting. Since I now saw your cloud and character, I guess the other sprites are ripped?? If not, I'm sorry, but your new sprites don't really look good. And it may be dumb, but alot of people find gfx as important as gameplay these days. Try working out your shading teqniques and practica your line-art.. With better gfx, this game'll rock

"A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever"
- Shigeru Miyamoto
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2004 22:50
The sprites will improve no end with a little "noise". It will stop them looking flat.

BatVink AMD 3000+ Barton, 512Mb Ram, 120 Gig Drive space, GeForce 5200 FX 128 Mb, Asus A7N8X Mobo.
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2004 00:14
Doesn't look bad at all, especially for a game I never heard of . You should enter that in the remakes comp, you've got nothing to lose and there's plenty of time left anyway.

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2004 06:29
@Mitchell, Yeh like I said in my first post the other sprites are ripped. I actually thought my sprites looked okay but that's probably just compared to all the other sprites I've ever drawn (now they were bad.) I'm eventually going to use all my own sprites and totally understand what you mean about shading.

@BatVink, I know what you mean, when looking at the ripped sprites there's more than one shade of a perticular colour, whereas I only draw an outline and use the bucket fill obviously a BIG mistake.

@arkheii, As I said in my first post I originally started this game as a projet for the retro remakes comp but have decided I don't want to rush it just to get it ready for the comp, I'd much rather take my time and release it to the people that helped me make it.

Right, thanks for all the crits, they really have helped, I start 6 weeks of holidays to-morrow so I can spend my time looking for 2d tuts on the net and practicing my techniques, I'll post a few examples when I feel I've improved enough.

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2004 23:51
Quote: "Right, thanks for all the crits, they really have helped, I start 6 weeks of holidays to-morrow "

Study, man, study! I can't believe you're thinking of taking it easy, doing other stuff. I'm a school governor, all pupils should be thinking abouts SATS and GCSE results 100% of the time. No time to waste, statistics are everything.

OK...joke over

BatVink AMD 3000+ Barton, 512Mb Ram, 120 Gig Drive space, GeForce 5200 FX 128 Mb, Asus A7N8X Mobo.
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Posted: 25th Jul 2004 02:47
Right, I've been practicing my sprites and they still aren't perfet but I'd say they've improved. I'm going to do a little more work on the actual coding, (more platfroms, more enemies etc) and post another screenie when I think the progams changed enough (because the last thing you want is loads of screenies with only slight differences between each one.) So really I'm just posting this to let you know I'm stil working on the project and am still making progress.

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