here is my code to my fairly simple program that is supposed to talk to you, when you say something to it. but for some reason its just not working. I keep getting errors that my arrays dont exist at line 52, and even if I used a variable the screen stays blank after you input your statement.
rem this will be the start of your program
rem title screen:
hide mouse
set cursor 200,100
ink rgb (255,0,255),1
print "my program"
set cursor 180,135
print "made by: Plastico"
set cursor 400,430
ink rgb (255,255,255),1
print "press enter to continue > > >"
wait key
goto begin
dim phrase$(5)
phrase$(1)="person: hello, are you a male or a female?"
phrase$(2)="person: hello"
phrase$(3)="person: hi"
phrase$(4)="person: hey"
phrase$(5)="person: yo"
dim que$(5)
que$(1)="person: ?"
que$(2)="person: you are?"
que$(3)="person: you will?"
que$(4)="person: you do?"
que$(5)="person: you can?"
set text to normal
print "Hello, my name is person, Whats yours?"
input name$
print "why hello there ",name$
goto name
print "welcome"
input statment$
print phrase$(1)
wait key