I'm guessing that you are controling the camera, then positioning the sphere at the camera position each frame. This means that the sphere is colliding with the wall as per expected, but the camera isn't following the sphere. You need to do something like this:
rem object control routine
if upkey() then move object YOUR_SPHERE,-3
if downkey() then move object YOUR_SPHERE,-3
if leftkey() then move object left YOUR_SPHERE,3
if right key() then move object right YOUR_SPHERE,3
rem check for collisions
rem position camera at sphere's position
x#=object position x(YOUR_SPHERE)
y#=object position y(YOUR_SPHERE)
z#=object position z(YOUR_SPHERE)
position camera x#,y#,z#
However, I have kept the object control simple to get across the principle.
I hope that helps. If you have any more problems with this, then post some code.