someone please help me it wont past image 1. just incase you were wondering its a health bar
max = 10000
current = 10000
load image \"meter.bmp\",1
paste image 1,40,110
drawHealthBar(40,465,110,3,current, max)
function drawHealthBar(X, Y, LOB, WOB, CHP, MHP)
REM X = X coordinate to position health bar at
REM Y = Y coordinate to position health bar at
REM LOB = length of health bar
REM WOB = width of health bar
REM CHP = current health points
REM MHP = maximum health points
if CHP < 0 then CHP = 0
if CHP > MHP then CHP = MHP
percent = (CHP*LOB)/MHP
ink rgb(0,0,0), 0
box X, Y, X+LOB, Y
ink rgb(255,0,0), 0
box X, Y, X+percent, Y+WOB
Chaos Games