Hello. I was trying to do the 3rd person tutorial for DB with DBpro and came across the following error: "Could not determine peremiter type of 'cameraX' at line 44"
Is this a specific problem when moving this from DB to DBpro? Just wondering, as I looked it over for bugs several times. Maybe I am blind.
sync on
sync rate 30
make matrix 1,10000,10000,20,20
load image "rustyIron.bmp",1
prepare matrix texture 1,1,1,1
fill matrix 1,0,1
load image "volcan01.bmp",2
make object sphere 10,25
texture object 10,2
position object 10,100,0,100
randomize matrix 1,125
set cursor 0,0
print screen fps()
aY#= object angle y(10)
if upkey()=1
if xtest#>0 and xtest<10000 and ytest#>0 and ytest#<10000
move object 10,10
if leftkey()=1 then yrotate object 10, wrapvalue(aY#-5)
if rightkey()=1 then yrotate object 10, wrapvalue(aY#+5)
x# = object position x(10)
z# = object position z(10)
y# = get ground height(1,x#,z#)
position object 10,x#,y#+12.5,z#
cameraz# = newzvalue(z#,aY#-180,100)
camerax# = newxvalue(x#,aY#-180,100)
cameray# = get ground height(1,camerax#,cameraz#)
position camera camera x#,cameray#+50,cameraz#
point camera camerax#,cameray#+25,cameraz#
Fraggles where quite the scary lot...