OK. I now would be content just
seeing the .x image, so I tried to re-write it so I could see it in it's idle pose, and move around it with my little sphere on the matrix. Here is the code:
sync on
sync rate 30
backdrop on
set camera range 1,5000
fog on
fog distance 4000
fog color rgb(128,128,128)
color backdrop rgb(128,128,128)
make matrix 1,10000,10000,20,20
load image "rustyIron.bmp",1
prepare matrix texture 1,1,1,1
fill matrix 1,0,1
load image "volcan01.bmp",2
make object sphere 10,25
texture object 10,2
position object 10,100,0,100
randomize matrix 1,125
load object "L-Alien Mutant-Idle.x",5
loop object 5
position object 5,150,get ground height(1,150,150),150
set cursor 0,0
print screen fps()
aY#= object angle y(10)
if upkey()=1
if xtest#>0 and xtest<10000 and ztest#>0 and ztest#<10000
move object 10,10
if leftkey()=1 then yrotate object 10, wrapvalue(aY#-5)
if rightkey()=1 then yrotate object 10, wrapvalue(aY#+5)
x# = object position x(10)
z# = object position z(10)
y# = get ground height(1,x#,z#)
position object 10,x#,y#+12.5,z#
cameraz# = newzvalue(z#,aY#-180,100)
camerax# = newxvalue(x#,aY#-180,100)
cameray# = get ground height(1,camerax#,cameraz#)
position camera camerax#,cameray#+50,cameraz#
point camera X#,Y#,Z#
When I try that, in the place where the mutant should be, there is just a tiny,
tiny little spot on the matrix with a couple of flashing polygons. I tried it with and without the Get Ground Height command. Not sure what is going on here. Thanks!
Fraggles where quite the scary lot...