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Newcomers DBPro Corner / A BIG favour

Breca Lomit
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Joined: 20th Dec 2002
Posted: 21st Dec 2002 10:01
Greetings EVERYONE!

I need a little help here...
It is a BIG favour to ask though.

I was wondering if someone could make for me or show me or teach me how to make a Menu screen and when you press enter it goes into whatever you clicked e.g You go to playy and press enter and it plays that game.

I know this is a really big ask but if someone has MSN messanger that would be helpful also.

I thankyou for your time.


PS. Im looking for a tutor to teach me how to program using DarkBASIC so if you have MSN Messanger my email is
John H
Retired Moderator
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Joined: 14th Oct 2002
Location: Burlington, VT
Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 01:51
Ill catch ya on MSN Im workin on an RPG menu system so might as well help out. I like helping


Current - RPG: Eternal Destiny : Help Wanted!
Upcoming- MMOFPS- Paintball Game: HELP WANTED!

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