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Work in Progress / The Fourth Dimension WIP (acoders)

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Joined: 1st Mar 2004
Location: The Netherlands
Posted: 1st Aug 2004 08:06
Hello. I've posted here before, this is a little update. 4 screens and the storyline.

It was the year 2012, when mankind took their first steps on planet Mars. When NASA started using the new Russian rocketfuel with their high-tech GM 3 craft, travelling through space became both faster and cheaper. After we’ve colonised both the moon and Mars, NASA decided it was time to reach even further into space, and come even closer to the sun. When a spaceship on his way to NH.10 (a zone just behind mars) got forced off it’s regular course by a sudden meteor storm, they ran into a huge discovery. They saw a purple portal, from which strange light was coming, aiming in 3 directions. The pilot contacted his boss, and scientists were sent. It took them a while to come to the conclusion that the portal was the origin of the dimensions of the world. It appears the truth was hidden in an old time-travelling theory, using the 4 dimentions. The first 3 dimensions are often talked about and tought at schools. When you walk, jump and strafe, you move along these dimentions. Time, is the 4th dimension which is rarely talked about. Because it was difficult to understand, and used to be just a theory, no schools have ever tought about it. As you know we have things like cars, bikes and planes, to help us move faster than we actually can in the first 3 dimensions. To do this same thing, that we have been doing for many many years, along the 4th dimension, would be travelling through time. Mankind has always been unable to do this, because the dimension 1, 2 and 3 keep us from manipulating the timeline. With this theory in mind, one of NASA’s youngest scientist said that we could avoid this security system by starting the trip from the exact origin of the dimentions, the only place in the universe where the first dimensions aren’t present. This idea was taken seriously, and a satelite containing software was developed to choose the dimension and the speed of travelling along it. We knew that it was impossible to send a man to another time dimension, because the body would implode and dissapear if it was taken out of the first 3 dimensions. Information though, can travel through time, and a new age had started: The Crono Age. Through our new satelite, we could now communicate with other time-dimensions, older than May 15th, 2012. No dimension before that time can be contacted, because they don’t have a connection satelite flying around the origin yet. Now we had communication with the future, our technology increased VERY fast, and our software became better and better. But because we learned so much from the future, this future started to change. We reached a critical point, where we connected too much, and the 4th dimension started shutting down the first 3, taking over their place. 1 by 1, all connected dimensions started to implode, and the human race was facing their extinction. There was only 1 way to stop this horrible progress. NASA’s best programmers developed a software containing A.I. that had to travel through the satelite connection and cut off the time dimension channel. Operation: Terminal has begon...

C & C are more than welcome. The last week before the deadline is for improving and adding and finetweaking etc. Ps: The titlescreen name is to be changed to: The Fourth Dimension

"A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever"
- Shigeru Miyamoto
Toby Quan
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Joined: 16th Oct 2003
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Posted: 1st Aug 2004 08:25
It looks very good! Nice lighting and very good graphics!

What do you set the SYNC RATE at in your game?
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Joined: 1st Mar 2004
Location: The Netherlands
Posted: 1st Aug 2004 08:53
70, and it normally reaches that, but I had alot of programs running at the time..

"A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever"
- Shigeru Miyamoto
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Joined: 1st Mar 2004
Location: The Netherlands
Posted: 2nd Aug 2004 02:58
if the images don't show, copy and paste the links to your address bar:

"A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever"
- Shigeru Miyamoto

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