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Joined: 21st Dec 2002
Posted: 21st Dec 2002 18:33
hello i just downloaded dark basic pro.can someone help me.where should i start to no codes and can someone give me a easy code to do please.can i do a password code using dark basic pro to protect my folders on my computer.
thank you all
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Joined: 15th Dec 2002
Posted: 21st Dec 2002 20:21
You cant do a password protect on your folders with darkbasic, you would have to use VisualBasic on that one
But, in the topic If and Thens, I posted a huge tutorial that I typed and made up myself

Here is the one of the codes I put in that folder

Hit me back up if you need any help

Your suffering cause of me its divine
John H
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Location: Burlington, VT
Posted: 21st Dec 2002 21:35
For a password you could


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Joined: 15th Dec 2002
Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 14:50
If im correct, you can make a DLL out of a VisualBASICs file, and, add that code to it, and it should work. But, you will have to know visualbasics well to do that

Your suffering cause of me its divine

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