you could write a file that contains the height info of the matrix. To save the height you could do something like this(in pesudo-code):
open to write matrixname$,1
write float 1,matrix_x_size#
write float 1,matrix_z_size#
write byte 1,matrix_x_Tiles
write byte 1,matrix_z_tiles
for x=0 to matrix_x_tiles
for z=0 to matrix_z_tiles
write float 1,get matrix height(1,x,z)
next z
next x
close file 1
something like that could save matrix height data.
To delete the bug, delete the code.
Specs: Sony VAIO Laptop, Windows XP, P4 2.8Ghz, 512MB RAM, ATI Radeon 64MB video memory, DBP Upgrade 5.3.