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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 00:35
Should I get into Dark basic and the whole programing thing? I mean im completely new at ALL of this! I dont know a thing about programing or anything...but I guess i got pretty good modeling software . I got 3ds max. Is that good? Should I get into this? Thank yall.
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 01:10
Dang, you got 3d Max and dont know if it is good? Then you must be VERY new. 3D Max is one of the best, most expensive 3d modeling programs. I say download the demo (like I did), and use it for a while (like I am now! ). Then you can learn simple codes and everything, (like me! ) and then you can think about getting into the whole programming thing.

BTW, you live in CyberSpace? hehehehehe. You need to change it in your profile if you do not want to live in CyberSpace. I'll call in the moving truck for you!

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 01:27
There I changed should I really learn this? I mean ....I know this stuff is hard...but do I gotta have any previous experience with this stuff? (BTW I got 3ds max 5....I think thats the newest....)

"Today is the tommorow we worried about yesterday"
John H
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 01:29
Def. Get dark basic. Its soooo simple. Since its based around the BASIC language, its really easy to learn. If you know max, then you wont be needing a modeller to help you either

Contact me on the instant messengers below for help, or view my teams website thats in my sig. That has some examples of basics power on it (not to full extent!)

For better examples, look at that gallery! WOW! Id check out the MojoMagic website (under the Equilibrium demo) and download the demo from that site. Its an AMAZING rpg battle system.

I came into programming a complete and total NEWBIE in august, and Ive gotten so much better. Im only 14 (dont get me wrong, there are plently of younger programmers out there, in no means am I bragging), and I picked it up pretty quick. DB comes with a full users manual, and a list of all the commands, and their description, and a ready to run example of code for each


PS= Get Dark Basic LOL

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 01:37
yeah well im only 13 hehe....neway so i should do this...i mean i LOVE rpg's and id REALLY REALLY REALLY like to get into it! PS. will you get on AIM or Yahoo? my AIM sn is goulascoober and my yahoo is sdstrunks. PPS im normally on AIM

"Today is the tommorow we worried about yesterday"
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 01:40
You're only 13? Well, to tell you the truth, i am really 11. Yes, I am really 11 years old. Go to the AlamDV forum, or the Treyarch NHL 2K2 forums, or both, and they will both say I am 11 or 12.

P.S. My name is DarkJedi07 at those places, too.

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 01:43
dats koo...well lol you talk like your older....dont go around lying about your age tho.... i mean especially if you know ALOT about this stuff...ppl will respect you...neway....GET ON AIM NOW!!!!!

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 01:46
I am on AIM. But I aint gonna talk to you! hehehehe! My s/n has 11 characters. My AOL s/n has again, 11 characters. The coinsidence in this incident is, my name has 11 characters too, but my s/n's arent my name!

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 01:49
look.. please..i REALLY need help...and it seems that you know this stuff..and im WAY too lazy to read the tutorials
hheheh PLEASE talk to me

"Today is the tommorow we worried about yesterday"
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 02:12
I have no tutorials and I have no examples and I have nothing, as I am still using the demo version. But I may be able to help you here on the forums..

John H
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 03:57
Im chattin with him and I can help him out


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