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Newcomers DBPro Corner / Does the .X Converter come with the demo?

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Joined: 18th Dec 2002
Location: United States
Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 01:38
I dont see it in the DarkBasic Pro Folder, nor the DarkBasic folder. Does it come with the demo, or only the full version? If it comes with the full version, then I am screwed. My .bsp levels don't load into DB correctly, and I need them to. I can create matrixes but I can't get people to walk on them.. Maybe, is the .bsp file in Gtk Radiant different from the ones in Matedit (doesnt work for me), 3dLevelcreater (it is in french when i told it English, twice!), and MagicWorld (works fine until it freezes when I try to put a texture onto my matrix)? Because you can choose from about 10 different .bsp file types to export with, in Radiant. But, does the .x converter come with the demo, or only the full version? ANd does anyone know of any other programs that can export as .x or convert to .x that are free? Thanks!
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Joined: 26th Aug 2002
Location: Earth, Brisbane, Australia
Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 02:07
why dont u invest in DBP if your going to be using it for a while.

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Joined: 18th Dec 2002
Location: United States
Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 02:11
I have enough money for it. It is 99.99 right? or something like that, right? Well I have $110.00. And that is in USD (United States Dollars). SO I can buy it, but I also want Paint Shop Pro. I think Paint Shop Pro is more important to me... But, I also want this. I really dont know which to get!!

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Joined: 18th Oct 2002
Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 04:54
COol, there is a converter!

I never knew!

I am the greatest thing since sliced bread!!

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