Heh, thanks for the kind words
It seems my rambles do filter into a few peoples hearing.
If I had the time I'd make something far more gruesome and disturbing, because once you make it you find that it's in no way at all disturbing. It becomes funny and you feel you can do better. Thus you push yourself harder the second time round and the cycle continues.
The hind legs are meant to be in shadow (well actually I just couldn't be bothered drawing from such an angle
Did you like the bleeding eye on the fist? I thought it was a nice touch. And the chains that attached from the jaw to the thighs, meant to restrict its movement.
Again thank you for replying cause it makes it worth putting it up.
PS: Just thought you may be interested, highlight the emoticons that people put in their posts and replies, and the face goes all melancholy and sad. Wierd.
"Maybe if you ain't so good, I ain't so bad."--Tony Manero to Stephanie (Karen Lynn Gorney)