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Newcomers DBPro Corner / Okay how do i make games

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 13:37
I have been on darkbasic PRO for about 2 weeks and i still dont get how to make a game i can make the odd object move but how do i make the game.
How do i create a world and make messages appear
How do i create a character and alow him to move
How do i create weapons and gums
all this and more.
Everybody says to go to dbheaven but thats no help its darkbasic what i need is a tutorial on a tutorial
Any sujestions on what i should do or even what you did when you started.....thanks for any help
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 14:20
i would first just concentrate on learning what the lanuage has to offer, i.e. by reading though all the help docs that came with. Once you start to explore the commands available you start to see uses for them in games. I'm afraid there is no shortcut you just have to set yourself little goals and acheive each one at a time that way your skill will grow. Try to start small and grow! and keep asking questions i would also suggest exploring this forum completely, many of your questions will be answered im sure

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Hamish McHaggis
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 14:42
Use the tutorials that come with it, i only have db not dbpro so I may not make sense on commands. Ask about one thing at a time, not how to make a whole game. Start by doing small programs where you test out all the things above, not start by attempting to write a massive program with everything in it.
Dont try to make a complicated character at first just start by making your character as a cube or cylinder and you can always change it afterwards.

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 14:47
Well, I have been on DB pro for two weeks as well, and, I understand a little more than you, but, I was confused as well. This programming language has alot to offer. But, like Kale said, you just need to start small. I suggest if your trying to make a game, learn how to manipulater variables. And, Dont just "Copy/Paste" the tutorials, actually go over them. And, try to retype them without looking at the page your on. Try to think them out, then, if you have trouble, go look at it again. Characters are made through 3d modeling programs, such as milkshape (free) and 3d studio Max Character Creator (Very not free) Neways, hit me back up if you have any more questions

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John H
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 19:30
I can answer your questions:

How do i create a world and make messages appear
How do i create a character and alow him to move
How do i create weapons and gums

1) Make a world with MatEDIT ( for outdoors, cartography shop for indoors. To make messages appear, well, you are NO WHERE NEAR IN THE GENERAL AREA OF EVEN CLOSE TO THAT YET

2) Create a character with a 3d modeller like Milkshape (20 bucks. and animate it in there. Follow the tuts that come with DB to animate the object in DB.

3) Create weapons the same way. Then lock them on the screen. Then you write a function for how to shoot.

Youve had DB for 2 weeks. Dont expect to make anything great in 2 weeks. I have been working on my project for 5 months and you can see my results at

Good results take time. Dont expect to do good stuff after 2 weeks. DarkBASIC is a whole frigin language. Tell me what language you have learned in 2 weeks. Languages take time.

What did I do to start? I read the tutorials that came with DB, I did each and every example that came with it. I read the whole dark basic manual. I read each of the commands and figured them out. I did little small projects (like a calculator) that require you to use very basic skills. I read the commands. Then you try them out and try to fully understand them. Every command comes with a description. Read it, and figure it out.

Treat each command as a tool, the more tools you have, and know how to use, the better your results will be. So, go figure out your commands, then come back here and ask some more questions when people can talk to you about the commands and you will understand what they are saying.

Its not going to do you much good to come here and ask for help, and when people post code help you dont know what the h*ll they are talking about!

So, when you figure the commands out. Thats when you can start making a nice game. A game is a HUGE project. It doesnt pop up over night (or in 2 weeks.) Please, take the time to read the manual and figure out the basics of the language before you come here and post saying

Help me I dont know how to make a game after two weeks. Im panicing.

Contact me on the instant messengers below for help,


Current - RPG: Eternal Destiny : Help Wanted!
Upcoming- MMOFPS- Paintball Game: HELP WANTED!
John H
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 19:34
Wow that was long! I can really go on and on when I feel a certain way about something

I get sortof ticked off when people program for 2 weeks and dont know why they arent making games yet. Take some time there fella. Do what we have all said.

BTW- Milkshape isnt free. Its free for 30 days then you lose the save feature. And no, you cant just re-download it

Dont rip 3ds max either. People will hate you. Its like 4000 bucks, if you cant afford it then dont try. When you start overpowering milkshape (look at that gallery) then go with something like Rhino 3d (student liscense for 124.95 or something) Work your way up.

Please dont post wondering why you cant make a game if you have been coding for 2 weeks, its rather obvious. Its a language, and no language is learned in 2 weeks.

Again, instant messenge me on the instant messengers below if you need help.


Current - RPG: Eternal Destiny : Help Wanted!
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 21:44
Right now I'm planning to make a new game. I start by writing a couple of pages on it and figure out how I'm going to do every little part before I start the first line. For example, I'm planning to make a game that will be a 1 player or LAN game, before I start coding, I'm going to learn exactly how that LAN stuff works. I'm also going to have particle explosions, so I'll need to learn exactly how those things work also. Then, I'll start on the real game. So, that's how I design games...
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 22:12
I've learned Spanish in one day! Thats a language!

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John H
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 22:41
-I've learned Spanish in one day! Thats a language!

Thats hard to believe......

Current - RPG: Eternal Destiny : Help Wanted!
Upcoming- MMOFPS- Paintball Game: HELP WANTED!
Rob K
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 22:56
"I've learned Spanish in one day! Thats a language!"

>> How well do you know Spanish? You won't be able to speak it fluently after one day's learning. Most people take at least 2 years learning for that (assuming 2/3 hours per week)

You can learn DB in a day, but you won't be able to use it.


You misunderstand the kind of program that DBP is. It is not a "three clicks and you have Quake 4" program. DBP's main aim is to simplify a lot of the tasks in making a 3D game. For example, you can load models in one command instead of having to write hundreads of lines of code to do it.

I suggest you look at simple examples to get your code working.

Quite a bit of code is required for even fairly simple programs. Here is the code for a simple FPS which allows you to run around a level, jump, look up/down etc. and fire a gun. It also displays the frame-rate, a few statistics and a welcome message. It won't work because I haven't included the media, but you can get the gist of the code.

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Rob K
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 23:01
whoops 2 mistakes in that code:

1) Delete the "set bsp collision height adjustment" line

2) "if Timeinc > 9999 and < 20000" should be "if timeinc > 9999 and timeinc < 20000"

this also introduces another thing... you will run into plenty of bugs and getting the program to work as you want it to may be quite frustrating.

NOBODY has a forum name as stupid as Darth Shader. I do.
John H
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 23:09
Nice code shader


Current - RPG: Eternal Destiny : Help Wanted!
Upcoming- MMOFPS- Paintball Game: HELP WANTED!
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 23:20

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