If anyone is interested I've been working on a formula to find the nearest player to a monster on a square grid (Basically a 2d array). I though I'd share it. It's not exactly code so I thought I'd put it in the newcomers forum incase it helps anyone else.
Basically you get the difference between the monsters X coordinate and the characters X coordinate and call it xDiff, do the same with the y coordinates and call it yDiff, then work out the difference between xDiff and yDiff call that zDiff. Then add xDiff, yDiff and zDiff and that will give the character a score. If you do this to all the characters then the nearest one is the one with the lowest score.
so for example
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
1| | | | | | |
2| c1| | | | | |
3| | | | | | |
4| c2| | | | M | |
5| | c3| | | | |
6| | | c4| | | |
The above grid shows the following:
5,4 - Monster
1,2 - Character 1
1,4 - Character 2
2,5 - Character 3
3,6 - Character 4
So using the above formula.
The Difference between Monster X and Character 1 X is 4 so xDiff=4
The Difference between Monster Y and Character 1 Y is 2 so yDiff=2
The Difference between xDiff and yDiff is 2 so zDiff=2
So the score for Character 1 is xDiff+yDiff+zDiff which =8
Using the same methods the others have been calculated below
Character 1 Score=(4+2+2)=8
Character 2 Score=(4+0+4)=8
Character 3 Score=(3+1+2)=6
Character 4 Score=(2+2+0)=4
This shows that Character 4 is the nearest character. If you then divide the score by 2 then that is the number of moves that monster will need to be on the same square as the character as long as diagonal moves are allowed.
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