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DarkBASIC Discussion / Problem : Very huge numbers in db....

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Joined: 22nd Dec 2002
Location: France
Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 14:11
I'm french so sorry If my english's not so good...
I've tried to make a PGP (RSA algorytm) like program in Db, using 64 bits encryption... But I got a big problem... The numbers I use are too huge...
I want to make :
value=x^y mod z ...
value is not a sot huge number, but x^y is...
Someone know what to do ? Maybe a DLL import...
If no one understand... It means my english is not english...
John H
Retired Moderator
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Location: Burlington, VT
Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 19:15
Well, your english isnt bad at all. But why not go over to


They have a whole entire french DB board. So you can post questions in your natural language.

Sorry I cant be of much help, I use huge numbers too


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Joined: 22nd Dec 2002
Location: France
Posted: 22nd Dec 2002 21:46
thx, I'll try this one... I know many french forums, but there are more English programmers than French programmers (quite much English in the world...), so that's why I posted here...

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