can some 1 help us with creating multiple instances of a 3D object.
i got a 3D alien ship and i want to make em randomly fall down the screen from different locations at the top.
i'm having problems when it comes to loading multiple objects of the same file.
this is code i thought might work but throws up and error.
For i = 0 to 9
Load Object "enemy1.x",Enemy_Ship1(i)
next i
now before u say its wrong. i know it is or it wouldn't throw up an error like it is.
i know there was a post on here somewhere that said how to do but i can't find it and the search function isn't much help.
thanx for any help on the subject
(just upgraded) system specs: AMD XP 3000+, 512Mb DDR333, nvidia ge-force FX 5600 128MB, 1x8Gb & 1x40Gb HHD, 52x CD drive, DVD+RW 4x, Sound Blaster 128.... all in a Nokia 8310 case :0D