I encountered a strange problem in DBP. the problem is the following:
I have an array cards01(60) and all the data in the array is 0.
then I have cards on the screen numbered from 1 to 102. sprite 1001 is the sprite for the mouse. so when I do this:
for t=1 to 60 step 1
if sprite collision(1001,0)==cards01(t)
next t
so I count how much that card I standing on is in the deck. all the cards should be 0 times in the deck as I did not add any. and for the cards 2 to 102 it is correct. But for the card 1 it is not.
I printed out the values so I could see what was happening and he gave this:
so since when is 1=0???? is this a bug in the program are is it something else? I can't see it