Hello. OK, so I loaded a monster from DarkMATTER:
load object "L-Alien Rollerbug-Idle.x",1
append object "L-Alien Rollerbug-attack.x",1,25
scale object 1,4000,4000,4000
I may not have the names of the loaded object correctly, but I
do have it loaded into the profram. The next important code was to store the monster's Y axis position:
MonAngleY = object position Y(1)
Then, the next part f code I am having problems with is trying to rotate the monster on it's Y axis:
if scancode()=2
yrotate object 1,wrapvalue(MonAngleY-2.5)
Ok, so when I hit the correct key, he does not turn! I have similar codes to make him move forward and backwards, and I have a player character who can move forward, turn left and right, and attack.
So what am I doing wrong? I want to make this monster so my character (who I am viwing in 3d person) can see this monster, and make it do some test movements. Can someone please help? Thanks!
Fraggles where quite the scary lot...